Gilbert Frances O’Boyle & the Children of Ireland
Barack Obama, Diane Feinstein, George Lucas, Jimmy Carter, Gore, McCain on Jan. 25, 2009.
March 1, 2012 "Memoirs of a child Prodigy" 2002.
On this date March 1, 2014,14 years later, "Memoirs of a Child Prodigy" 2002 now includes Google maps of Chicago Illinois where in summer at age 4, my left eye was blinded by solar retinitis & where on Division Ave at age 4 in fall, I inquired with a magnet into the elementary structure of matter 'the SOURCE' of the fields of Gravitation & Magnetism. If you examine the Edward Teller 2001 "Memoirs" you will see that Teller "The Father of the Hydrogen Bomb" had no such experiences as a child & further Teller fails to identify my papers in gravitational field theory & nuclear field structure. Further, Teller does NOT mention his friendship with Prof. Hans Albert Einstein. On March 28, 1984 I explicitly identified before neurosurgeons Professor Doctor Arnold Menese and surgeon Marshall Poor, BOTH Edward Teller and Hans Albert Einstein in my final remarks with death closing in after a subdural hematoma. Professor Hans Albert Einstein I described as "He was his fathers son alright!" and in June 1984 Psychiatrist Rick Turner, U Iowa Hospitals described to me many things which I had said and described them in detail. An excerpt of that surgery was a Dan Rather CBS news story Oct 1985 "The Will to Survive" and exhibited six doctors running from the surgery table as I woke on the surgery table and rose at the waist with my fist cocked and stated "Paul K. Hansma, that son of a bit_h doesn't know how close he came! I could have put my fist right through him!!" That 'appropriate' responce was due to the fact that Paul K. Hansma, James B. Hartle, Frank Wilczek, David Gross and the National Institute for Theoretical Physics at the University of California, Santa Barbara, CENSORED in March 1981, three years earlier, the gravitational field theory of C.V. Charlier 1922 of Sweden, Timothy V. O'Boyle/Krier of Chicago Illinois and De-yuan Cheng of China 1981. That was the 4th censor since 1970. The 1st censor began EXACTLY on April 13, 1970 fourteen years earlier when I met with John Archibald Wheeler/WYLER at Princeton University to 'share a Vision which I was SURE would uplift and dignify the presence and character of ALL men and evolutionary creatures upon the earth.
Above video "The Child's Atomistic Hierarchy and INHERENT Unified Field Structure" exhibits the following: at 2:52 minutes you see letters from the N.S.F. July 1977 concerning my participation in a research grant to Bryce DeWitt on "The Role of Gravitation in Physics" and acknowledgement of April 7, 1970 from Eric Sevareid C.B.S. news and from Sevareid's executive secretary in August 1977 on my proposed "Physical theory". Notice that NO WHERE here does anyone whom is an American, explicitly cite by name or type 'the physical theory' to which they refer. At 5:20 min you see the LOGOS of E Pluribus UnUm Physics which contains Structure Law I 'Pure Gravitational Unified Field Structure' in a hierarchical cosmology and Structure Law II 'The Alpha Lattice. These are INFINITELY CERTAIN theoretical assertions UNIQUE to an infinite hierarchical cosmology.

At 5::24 min you see in large exhibition the April 7, 1970 C.B.S. Sevareid acknowledgement of a "theme" and in August 1977 C.B.S. acknowledgement of a "scientific theory" and a reference to the White House. At 5:31 min you see two acknowledgements of 1972 from 1. Louis deBroglie and R. Courrier of the French Academie of Sciences" and from H. Treders of the German Academie of Sciences where ALL explicitly identify the axiomatic teartise "On the Structure of The Field" 1969-70 and related essay. This letter was kept confidential until 2008 and Picasa web. These letters are EXTRAORDINARY embarrassments to the U.S. press and Presidents, especially Jimmy Carter, and ALL of those Americans who intentionally cover-up beautiful sparkling REALITIES while France and Germany radiantly provide clarity, which IS exactly that which will characterize the International film on the Child's Atomistic Hierarchy and INHERENT Unified Field Structure.

At 5:46 min you see the beginning of "Memoirs of a Child Prodigy" March 1, 2002 and at 6:31 min you see a letter of April 27, 1974 from Margot Einstein at 112 Mercer St., Princeton in which Margot describes her and Helen Dukas being STALKED with criminal phone calls at 2:00AM- 3:00AM nightly, but most of all you see how Margot describes my letter to her of April 13, 1974 describing the day of March 18, 1955 when I conceived the Atomistic hierarchy with gravitation as the only field present. Margot states 'I like so much the way you describe'..."your passion for the atoms and the stars and the structure of the universe..' 'the law of the universe.' (The stalking of Margot Einstein and Helen Dukas will go on until 1980 when Margot and Helen have Einstein's property removed from Princeton University and taken to Hebrew University, Isreal where it is permanently retained. Margot Einstein in March 4-9, 1979 attended "The Einstein Centennial Symposium" at Princeton which is the 'brain child of John Archibald Wheeler.
Wheeler will then one month later in March, provide the dedication at the "
Einstein Memorial Statue" in Washington, D.C.. At this time Jimmy Carter is U.S. President and the dedication of a National Monument blocks from the White House should be on film.
I have not been able to find it. Margot Einstein and Helen Dukas will then, one year later have Einstein's property removed from the U.S.. At the Einstein Centennial Symposium 1979 ALL Hierarchical Cosmology is
At 9:40 min you see The WHITE HOUSE June 29, 1977 letter from Mr. Gianini wishing me 4 times 'the presidents best wishes for success in the future' and FAILING to identify the "papers" which Jimmy Carter was delivered on May 24, 1977. In that letter at the top you see two punch holes from the attorney John T. Nolan in Sept. 1985 where he retained in his legal file the White House letter which he NEVER exhibited before the jury Sept 23-28, 1985 and LAUGHED about that days later in Oct 1985 AFTER he had just lost $1.2 million. As the video goes on you will see that White House letter with punch holes attached to the FAXES of March-April 2002 to the U.S. Presidents/Press/John McCain/Al Gore/D.N.C.. At 11:00 min you see a Feb 2, 1994 report from "Sun Shine Mental Health" diagnosing me as a "paranoid schizophrenic" "with systematized paranoid delusions" Feb 1994 West Palm Beach, Fl, Phd. Micheal Purcell. At 11:51 min you see "RELATIVITY" 1995 A. Einstein "The Great Mind Series" and "CONSIDERATIONS ON THE UNIVERSE AS A WHOLE" and at 13:11 min you see "The Meaning of Relativity" A. Einstein a lecture delivered at Princeton and at 13:23 min you see ONE PGE on Hierarchical Cosmology of MGA^x that is THE SOLUTION to the Quantum problem and the continuous gravitational field. E Pluribus UnUm Physics, namely 'me', openly challenge and to deny BOTH childs and Einsteinian hierachical solutions to the Einstein short comings in unified field theory!!!!! (Get the point David Gross and James B. Hartle?)At 13:38 min you see the record from AtlantiCare, Atlantic City, N.J. on Sept 15, 2013 where I underwent a heart charge shock to save me from catastrophic 'Heart Failure'.
AtlantiCare/Apollo 13, 1970
(The AtlantiCare video concludes with REAL video of Apollo 13 astronauts lunar mission, reported by Walter Cronkite, CBS news on April 14-19, 1970. "I" met John Archibald Wheeler on April 13, 1970 and on April 14, 1970 leaving Princeton "I" heard that Apollo 13 was in life threatening danger and the world and Pope were
praying for the astronauts safe return. (Tuesday April 14th CBS News, ABC News reports on updates of the explotion of the oxygen tank aboard Apollo 13. The tank exploded the previous night). The CENSOR of my life and work began on April 13, 1970 with/by John Archibald Wheeler at Princeton. On Sept 15, 2013 the TOTAL censor was almost complete and there was no report by CBS or Fox news, that I was in danger and at the threshold of eminent death were it not for
Finally, overall for the video "The Child's Atomistic Hierarchy and INHERENT Unified Field Structure" previous to the above video: Keep an eye out for the Fax punch hole marks in the June 29, 1977 Carter WHITE HOUSE letter. Those punch mars are exemplary of the laughing of attorney John T. Nolan at the U.S. Judicial system, News media, U.S. Presidents and motion picture industry. Notice the Fax to John McCain with that attached. At 14:26 min you see historic video of the Jan 25, 2009 Inauguration of Barack Obama, Joe Biden with Nancy Pelocy and Diane Finestein next to him and at 15:28 min you can see Barack Obama LAUGH. At 15:38 min you see video of John McCain and at 15:54 min you see McCain with Gore and their ACT 'Fancy meeting you here!' in Statuary Hall on Barack Obama's Inauguration day!!! You might pause your video at 15:59 for a 'GOOD LAUGH' at these 'Princes of Modesty and Virtue,' the veritable Lords and masters of Americas great expectations and your fate. The concluding pictures following the video are equally prophetic.
The subject of the above video is 'A Future Star Child film' as projected by MGM Studios in 2007 which is seven years ago. One year ago I was almost 'dead on arrival' at AtlantiCare hospital, Atlantic City, N.J.. The future 'Star Child film' has NOT YET appeared. However, had "I" died last year, the FACT that the future 'Star Child film' is based upon my work beginning in childhood, would never have been revealed. Below you see HARD EVIDENCE of the American mentaliy that 'sets up' that RIP-OFF. O.K., and 'What is the future 'Star Child film' about and when will we see it? Is my claim that the future box office will exceed that of $1 billion dollars and "AVITAR" 2010, absurd or out of touch with "REALITY" or are you ABSURD, disingenuous and "simply EVIL" which is the exact description that Henry Kim of Korea gave in 1981 to the censor of my Phd. thesis "Hierarchical Cosmology and the Structure of Elementary Particles, and, the Foundations of Physics." The TORT for your virtue and IS simply, a the level of 6th grade: EXPLAIN the MGM 2007 trailer above, and, James Cameron of 20th Century Fox describing the future 'Star Child film'; What is the future 'Star Child film' and When will we see it; Don't you want to see it??? The light and Great Expectations in the eyes of Billions of Children world-wide, awaits your explanation/exploitation and the film on 'Pure Gravitational Thinking in Hierarchical Cosmology.' And by all means, ask your friend
John McCain to do the same.

Above left you see that Mr. Gianni from "THE WHITE HOUSE" on June 29, 1977 is NOT able to identify by title, the "papers" to which he refers. At this time Carl Sagan, Timothy Ferris and Ann Druyan are in Washington, D.C. and will entertain Jimmy Carter at the Naval Astronomical Observatory adjacent to the Vice Presidential Mansion. Above right you see that Professor Taub at Berkeley on June 3, 1974 is NOT able to identify by title the "treatise" to which he refers. The treatise to which Professor Taub refers IS "On the Structure of The Field" 1969-70 which had TWO MONTHS BEFORE received a MAJOR CRITIQUE in "The International Journal of General Relativity and Gravitation" April 1974 with "Rasputin, Science and the Transmogrification of Destiny" which IS a critique of the Pure Gravitational Unified Field Structure of the child's atomistic hierarchy by Professor John Archibald Wheeler of Princeton University. Professor Taub met with Einstein in Berkeley in 1949 to encourage Einstein in his last FUTILE attempt to unify the fields of gravitation and electromagnetism.

In the spirit of John Archibald Wheeler's 6 January 1970 letter "On the Structure of The Field"1969 was not much on the principle of correspondence.... a necessity.
... No reference to.... great past and ongoing
world of thought (relation; comparison
; contrast)' "On the Structure of The
Field was an AXIOMATIC TREATISE. However, we are looking for the
"Father of E=Mcc. Hence our candidate for the father must have his
life 'compared; related; contrasted to Albert Einstein's
! In fact Einstein as he was escaping Nazi
Germany had all of his
possessions confiscated.
Published on Feb 4, 2014
On September 31, 1969 the treatise "On the
Structure of The Field" 1969 was completed up to Part 1 & delivered to
"The Physical Review" and John Archibald Wheeler of Princeton
University and to Arthur C. Clark & Eric Sevareid C.B.S. news Washington
D.C. "On the Structure of The Field" 1969 is high school physics with
the Vision of a Harmony Law of Pure Gravitational Field Structure underlying
E=Mcc and/or the structure of elementary particles, including
"photons." In March 1970 I proposed to Arthur C. Clark & Eric
Sevareid a film on the Vision which I had entertained in my mind since the
evening of April 18, 1955 the day that Albert Einstein died & I was in 3rd
grade. In 1964 I wrote to Edward Teller & delivered him a paper "on
the structure of the universe" as he replied. In September 1966 I entered
the University of California, Berkeley where Dr. Teller "Father of the
Hydrogen Bomb" was a professor & taught a course on "Nuclear
physics." I was there because I thought & was led to think that he
& his had a law of the nuclear field potential as we did to the
Gravitational & Electromagnetic field potentials. Teller & company were
Charlatans for personal aggrandizement. They CENSORED the Children of the
©All Rights Reserve
Timothy V. Krier
R4 Productions
The following four videos provide a reference to the REALITY of the day March 28, 1984 when I woke on tne surgery table and procliamed to Meneses, Marshall Poor, Rick Turner and three others doctors plus nurses "There IS a God!!" and "The Universe IS a Miracle!!" since just previous and likely on that day I had seen for the ~5th time the Major motion picture "The Right Stuff" 1983 about the astronauts and Chuck Yeager based on the book by Thomas Wolfe. This film featured Eric
Sevareid as a MAJOR figure in those years 1958- 1972. Having woken I cautioned the surgeons in responce to the observation that my left eye pupil was diated, that I was blinded by solar retinitus as a child otherwise I would have been a Navy pilot and an astronaut. Further, having just seen my hero Eric Sevareid on the motion picture screen hours before, I left a message for Sevareid in the event "I" expired in MGA* and that message was "Tell Eric Sevareid that I know that he tried to help me. Tell him that he did help me! Tell him that it was more of a pleasure to exist knowing that he did TOO!!! The laughing attorney John T. Nolan in Oct 1985 KNEW ALL ABOUT THAT ALSO>
The date above is April 9, 1959 which is one month after my March 1, 1959 birthday party and I have advanced in my ruthless pursuit of 'Power' to be come "Mayor of Falconer Grammer school." I have ENORMOUS authority and "I" am also "Captain of the School Safety Patrol" and "I" Lead the Color Squad before 500 people, grades 3rd thru 8th regularly and often a hundred or more parents in the balcony. In this position I do not ask or interupt the teacher to leave the class. I just get up and leave. To the 3rd floor I go where AT LAST I have the whole room to pace up and down along the windows, to examine gravitational field Intensities as we travel 'OUTWARD' in the universe of planets, Stars, clusters of stars and GALAXIES to he EDGE of the recognized universe beyond which is INFINITE EMPTINESS>>>!!!! ('Your Arse!' says Willam Wallace, Mel Gibson of Sterling....) A very religious Timothy V. Krier is CERTAIN that God will not leave that EMPTY!!! 1st bars of "Also Sprach Zarathusthusra" would be appropriate here!!!! or "Bethtoven's 5th!!!! To the detriment of Timothy, he is caught pondering the structure of the universe (and not 'pussies who argue about ethical conduct) by the principle Helen F. Stoner whom wants his thoughts. Peaved at his interruption he fires off his Ten Commandments Law of God lecture on 'Just obey the 10 Commandments and let me get on with something perhaps equally import and which enhances and codifies the GOOD and BEAUTY here!!! 'After all gravitational fields from an infinite surrounding universe EXIST and STRUCTURE the very space through which we walk Mrs Stoner!!! That is important to think about IFF it could be REALITY!!! To her initial inquiry if I were thinking so hard over school business, I replied 'No. My men are taking care of school business and this is what I am thinking about: _______ However at that time, April 1959, I have only guessed that the Universal Law of gravitation extends inversely in distance from the stellar source. Eighteen years later In December 1977, Geoffrey Chew would ask me "You were 11, 12 maybe thirteen years old when you SAW IT?" My reply was "No I was older." In fact "I" saw gravitation and atomic structure on the night of April 18, 1955. I saw the VISION that appears like "Also Sprach Zarathustra" in 1st year high school physics at Lane Tech Chicago. And I had my 1st re-callable brain wave resonance on the day of April 18, 1955. In Nov 1984 some weeks after taking the picture of Mr. Copper Dollar charging up the steps to take away my camera, "I" on an EEG which I
requested, produced a
partial brain
wave resonance. Attorney John T. Nolan during trial at lunch emphacised to me 'how important that was!!!' Weeks later he
laughed. Is that hard to
The theory of the universal law of gravitation which "I" conceived of in grammer school was that of taking concentric sphereical, very thin shells, surrounding the source particle/star and placing an EQUAL amount of field in each tiny spherical shell. Since the volume of the thin shell increases with radial distance and we place an EQUAL amount of field in each shell, then, obviously, the DENSITY of field in each shell decreases in proportion to the radial distance of the shell from the material source. Hence if the 'force' is proportional to the density of field, then the force of the field of gravitation decreases inversely with the distance from the source. Interestingly "I" in grammar school never calculated the volumes of these shells AND in fact "I" never did do that until "I" read "Relativity" 1961 by Albert Einstein "CONSIDERATIONS ON THE UNIVERSE AS A WHOLE" three pages. I did not know that that book existed until 1974 when at Moes book store Berkeley "I" discovered the book which I purchased used for 60 cents. The same year 1974 "I" pointed out to Professor Abe Taub at Berkekley my VISUAL method by which "I" conceived of the gravitational field. Professor Taub thought and then stated "Yes that is correct but I never thought of it that way." Mathematically 'my' method is described very sophisticatedly and POWERFULLY by Laplaces equation "div(dot)G=0". 'My' method will be neccessary in the dialogue between Einstein, deBroglie and Child prodigy in order for it to be VISUALLY clear to ALL beginning in grammar school. If it is NOT visually clear "I" will NOT allow it and 'you will shut up.'
At this time 1959 in grammar school "I" had watched CBS "Conquest" with Eric Sevareid since mid 1950's and I had taken a "Science class" ~ 1958. Both distrurbed me and made me impatient and made me 'feel stupid!' How is that? I was with a "PASSION" interested in seeing 'HOW' from 1st Principles one arrived at ALL these 10's to hundreds of physical facts which we were forced to memorize without recourse to the fundamental laws from which these facts/numbers could be derived. As far as the LAW of Gravitation went, I thought it must be TOO complicated for children to grasp and/or 'top secret.' Today in retrospect we point out that David Gross of and James B. Hartle are welcome to ply you with their 'theory of gravitation and the nuclear field.' Gross in 2004 was proud to boast that received 75,000/hits per day.