Friday, October 24, 2014

The Unified Field Structure of the Child's Atomistic Hierarchy

Here you see first for 30 seconds two D V D’s created on May 17, 2013 and May 31, 2013 followed by video of two letters of February 1976 from University dean Sheldon Rothblatt & University president & nuclear physicist David Saxon of the University of California.  Those letters are found on D V D one.  These two D V D’s are far in excess of Albert Einstein’s greatest expectations in the fulfillment of his vision for a completely unified pure field structure of the purest gravitational kind.  D V D II contains Pure Gravitational Physics in Hierarchical Cosmology and it’s consequences. The subject matter & elementary high school physics found there is amenable for inspection and serious thought beginning in 6th grade or sooner if the theory of the pure gravitational unified field structure is provided for children and adults via a motion picture screen.  The subject matter and DVD II  includes “Thinking and the Law of God in Hierarchical Cosmology” and “Pure Gravitational Thinking in Hierarchical Cosmology” which was delivered to U. S. President Barack Obama and the U.S. Press, Washington D.C., in particular Fox News on February 13, 2010 five years ago.  Here on DVD II, the American people and the world can see what the American hierarchy thinks of Timothy V Krier and the world, and, the role of Americana in the world.  The role of Americana in the world is Imperialism of the lowest order that reaches into the cultures & cradles of the children of the world.  We emphasize that the contents of these D V D’s are far beyond the greatest expectations of Albert Einstein & his “Vision, Desiderata and Theory of the Total Field.”  That 'claim to fame' which is an American opiate, can be judged beginning in 6th grade and it can be contested by Nobel Laureate David Gross at and if they so choose to challenge the tort.  Good people everywhere really should have the motion picture & D V D’s in their library for their children, and, let them ‘think for themselves.’  The tort is most clearly addressed to who claims to have, quote, "the most powerful news investigative team in broadcast journalism."  O Reilly by his credo should demand or provide a proof of such a claim of exceeding Einstein’s Vision!  And O'Reilly at fox news should corroborate or re-buff the claim of Krier that Albert Einstein would be the first to agree that his greatest expectations had been far, far, far, far far exceeded, and, that  he Einstein, would agree that children world-wide should be able to see for themselves how and why Albert Einstein fell so short, short, short in accomplishing his vision!  Further, the tort is that Einstein would, with great passion, demand that children be able & free to see how in the history of the evolution of thought, the American media, press and government and Motion picture industries have for 45 years, censored every step in the process of discovery of Einstein’s vision which Krier offered to them & belonged in their hands, children’s hands, world-wide by 1980! that claims to have, quote, "the most powerful news investigative team in broadcast journalism," should by his chosen calling, jump on this story and lead us to freedom.  In the major motion picture "Brave Heart"  Sir William Wallace was knighted for bravery & bringing  his people freedom. Can we expect to see a Brave Heart William O Reilly in 2015?

This video concludes & focuses on the Memoirs of Edward Teller in 2001.  At 8:30 minutes here you see 1573 Hawthorne Terrace, Berkeley California where in December 1972 Timothy Krier hand delivered to Mrs. Edward Teller “On the Structure of The Field” 1970 and “What is a completely Unified Pure Field Theory” 1972, and, you see here at 8:03 minutes a picture of Edward Teller quote “Father of the Hydrogen bomb.”  Seen here last, is Edward Teller’s “Memoirs” 2001 where the facts reveal that Teller never mentioned that he knew Krier or received in December 1972 a theory of the field structure of E=Mcc.  Further in his Memoirs 2001, O Reilly should see that Teller emphasizes his closeness to John Archibald Wheeler and never that Wheeler or Neils Bohr ever claimed to have a theory of the field structure of E=Mcc.  In short, the man who is advertised as “The Father of the hydrogen bomb” never had a theory of the nuclear field of force which when unleashed ignites a nuclear explosion.  In his Memoirs the best that Edward Teller  comes up with is quote “Quarks” on pages 261 in a footnote where he points out that quarks have never been seen.  On the next  page 262 Teller points  to the problem of experimental proof of quarks & Teller claims quote “Big physics was flourishing in the 1980’s', meaning via quarks, but when in the 1980’s he tried to return to theoretical physics, that he still did not find quarks  interesting.'  Then with the next breath or paragraph page 262, Teller claims that what he did find interesting was, quote, molecules made of sixty carbons in the shape of a polyhedron. Teller claims and I quote “ I do prefer problems with a solution that can be found within a life time.” end quote.  Well surprise, surprise, surprise, surprise and surprise, since in Timothy Krier's physics the primordial tetrahedron is Universal Structure Law two : The Alpha Lattice” in hierarchical Cosmology, which is amenable to inspection by children &  found here at 2:13 minutes in view of a child in the library. Teller in his Memoirs 2001 censors all hierarchical cosmology theories let alone does Teller  admit  that after 1970 he encouraged Krier to send him papers on hierarchical cosmology & in December 1972 from his high security top secret telephone at the Livermore nuclear laboratory asked Krier to "call me at home & not on this telephone.'  In short Edward Teller’s Memoirs 2001 hang & execute him for censoring a theory of E=Mcc which he never had but in the view of the public eye, flourished in the aura of nuclear explosions that he and his club of the elite few, where at the frontiers of the ultimate secrets of the universe & only appeared as the fathers of E=Mcc.  We attach Edward Teller’s Memoirs 2001 last with a picture of Fox news science editor Michio Kaku and we do that after you witness a historic video placed there to excite your imagination and great expectations on the solution to E=Mcc & "national security." Finally the question to Fox news science editor and the U S Congress & press is:  'How is it that Einstein would fail so miserably in fulfilling his vision of a Unified Field structure of a continuum type, like gravitation or electromagnetism and how is it that once that field structure arrives, let us say via Timothy Crear & De-yuan Cheng of China, that children world-wide will be able to see clearly &  obviously how it was that Einstein failed and could never get any further than he did in 1917 when he considered in his most popular exposition Relativity  “Considerations on the  Universe as a Whole”? & the U S Congress at the center of the universe can ask  and at the world-wide center for theoretical physics, for Wow!, Wow!, Wow! clarification.  Wow! aren't we having fun?  Don't be selfish & let the world have fun too on

    May 6, 2015.  This is an excellent example of Cultural Autonomy & contains some music which "I" was fortunate enough to find.  Chinese music I have not been fortunate enough to find as well as Russian music. Mel Gibson at 3:20 min may like the Australian music here. Please forward this to him.  The trailor on 'How' he filmed "Brave Heart" I have just seen ~ 3 months ago.  Have you seen it?  When "I"1st arrived in Washington D.C. in late 1994 National Geographic on 16th St. N.W. asked me to return concerning a job they had carrying heavy equipment for filming and my ability to "can you travel" they asked.  When "I"returned the next day I was treated like incompetent trash.  Was it possible that the U.S. government was 'concerned for my safety?' Mel Gibson productions should know that not only do I carry but I also PUSH, see e.g. "York" in "Brave Heart."





     The point here is that only ONE film properly executed & based upon 'Memoirs of a Child Prodigy' 2002 is all that is necessary for Cultural Autonomy. The child & adults MUST be from that Culture with NO external voices/dialogue usurping autonomy. Whom ever produces that film 1st, be it Germany, China, France, has advanced the 'Film of the Millennium' that is GOOD for children, the young, the honest everywhere & for decades to come. Further, you can 'take that to the bank' based upon the FACT that, &,, 20th Century Fox film, MGM studios, PBS as well as CBS news & ALL the rest NEVER wanted that to be.      

       This video begins at 1:30 min with UCSB Nexus news paper containing on the front page a photograph of myself with Paul K. Hansma in Nov 1980 at the “Senior Laboratory Solar Bake off.”  The winner was guaranteed to have their photo with Hansma on the front page of the Nexus. That photo NEVER appeared.  The NEXUS you see is from 2007-08 & contains headlines on ‘Gay Lib’ ‘Child Porno’…  That is regrettable but ‘So What.’  That photo is followed by pic “The BEST of Cosmos” 2004.  The question is posed to whose passion was to punish priest pedophilia:  O’Reilly at fox news Why don’t YOU ask Paul K. Hansma at of or where IS The BEST of Cosmos 2000-2004; since it was in Nov 1980 that De yuan Cheng & I watched together episode 10 of COSMOS 1980 which IS “The BEST of Cosmos” 2000-2004?  Can’t you do anything honest, consistent & brave that affects the Vision of 10’s of Billions beginning in 1980 & including children world-wide?
     However the perspicascious observation IS: Should not Jimmy Carter at be 'the man' to set the issue straight since in May 1977 Carter requested of Carl Sagan that his voice, Carter's voice be placed on the Voyager record "Sounds from Earth."  Hence simply 'ask Jimmy if he also wants his voice on the film on "The Child's Atomistic Hierarchy"?                
                    On July 13, 2004 a video of was taken at the Library of Congress.  These pics advertise the "Cosmos Studio Charter" of 3 May, 2000 on July 13, 2004.  At 1:30min here you see Ann Dryuan distinguish 'Hand held digital devices in the hand of every child world-wide' and at ~ 3:00min that Cosmos has reached 600 million & intends to reach 1 billion by 1005.  Question 1. The Child's Atomistic Hierarchy WITHOUT U.F.S. IS "The BEST of Cosmos" Nov 22, 2000-2004 seen at 55min into the video, hence does Cosmos Studios 3 May 2000 intend to reach 1 billion children by 2005 with "The Best of Cosmos" 2000 WITH a U.F.S. that children can
link to video Aug 26, 2004 one month later when the Capital is under high alert for a suitcase sized nuclear weapon.
The perspicacious question here is  In this video you hear me say to the Capital Hill Police officer, born 1979 "Thank You." and I then walk ~5 paces to him and shake his hand.  Why "I" had that CLEAR neccessary primal instinct to do such a thing spontaneously, took me hours to recall, but haunted me until I did recall very CLEARLY:  My father Gilbert Frances O'Boyle telling me that the police officer was my friend & that he was there to help me if I needed help.  He then checked to see if traffic was clear on Clark St and sent me to the middle of the street to shack the police officer's hand which "I" did.  I was ~ 4 years old and in my 'Annus Mirabilis year of Discovery 1950' "Memories of a Child Prodigy" 2002 faxed March 2002.  Today in 2015 police officers are under assault & being murdered; and you 'turn a good buck' advertising on your news reports.  Point taken:  Is it not morally mandated that in the film on the Child's Atomistic Hierarchy, the experiences and narration MUST be done by the children & their parents themselves without narrator, to instill DEEPLY inside the children in the audience and their developing amygdaloidal nucleus, the BASAL instinct to act bravely and straight forwardly and  NOT to do what the 10 Commandments forbids unless it becomes clearly necessary?  O'Reilly would you be the narrator that mediates what the child/father are thinking?  Would you do that for Germany, Ireland, India, China, Iran, ....?  (Of course you would do it for free because you have such a high following and can 'reach the many'.  And you would not do it because it would 'turn a buck' on your advertisements in the least? Unfortunately I do not have here the song 'Oh Happy Days, When Jesus was!' but it will be on the website & all profits from the film will be invested in "Jimmy's Bank" Plains George)
link to 'Best of Cosmos' at L.O.C. same day Aug 26, 2004 

This video begins with Barack Obama inauguration ~ January 25 2009 & ends with the January 25, 2005 inauguration of 2nd term presidency George W. Bush.  The January 25, 2005 inauguration of G.W. Bush is 5 months after the August 26, 2004 video links above to "Capital Under High Allert" & "The BEST of Cosmos" August 26, 2004 just before it is TOTALLY censored/removed form all existence.  Think chronologically & forensically about the criminal insanity of a society since in Feb 2009 just after the inauguration of Barack Obama, Michio Kaku begins a 2009 'forte' in pushing INSANITY with Steve Palkin Feb 2009 & though Fox news September 2009 on 'Time Travel,' a 'love affair with your mother.'.....  On February 13, 2010 'P.G.T.H.C. is advanced with immediate catastrophic cosequences on "Freedom of Speech" & my life, all in the name of vengence for H.Ross Perot & his 'boy' Mike Beugler of Texas Instruments, Richardson/Plano, Texas.

Cosmos Studios 2015

            ,,                                 ,                                                  

E Pluribus UnUm Physics sailed up the Potomac River from the Chesapeake Bay in September 1994 to secure "Justice The Guardian Of Liberty" and a film on THE UNIFIED FIELD STRUCTURE OF THE CHILD'S ATOMISTIC HIERARCHY which is the supreme complementary VISUAL SCORE to the SYMPHONY  Richard Strauss' "Prelude to ALSO SPRACH ZARATHUSTRA."

      This video honors Nora Zawadski Kraznapolski from Deutschland who in March/April 1977, one month after the March 3-4, 1977 "1st Undergraduate Theoretical Physics Conference in History" at the University of Texas, Austin, gave me the attached poem. Observing this video at the beginning, notice the lake, water/Sun scene in summer 1950.  This scene/experience will be of paramont importance in the film and the dialogue between Albert Einstein, Hans Albert Einstein, C.V. Charlier, G. de Vaucouleurs & last but not least our GERMAN child prodigy.  Please expect "me" to show you what I mean, shortly, and expect to be pleasantly 'stunned.'  (Notice that in the 1980 video "Cosmos" 1980 episode 10 that Carl Sagan at the radio telescope states "this is a reasonably stunning piece of information" and then he goes on to describe a falling "snow flake" followed by the  evocative atomistic hierarchy.)  I can promise Deutschland UNEQUIVICALLY that the dialogue between the above 'chaps' and your child prodigy will be far more stunning.  If you are bored in the meantime, just go to the true story in picasaweb where child prodigy 1 exclaimed to grandfather "Grandpa look at the fu_k!!!" repeatedly and was NOT spanked but corrected without success. It will not be necessary to use that word, but, but, but, but and but, it will be ABSOLUTELY necessary to recognize 'mass, momentum, proportionality of gravitational field strength to mass/momentum strength' and to make it emanately crisp and clear as by described in the thoughts and words of the Deuthsch child prodigy.  

    To further kindle your interest about the true historic events that would lead to the 'Vision' that exceeds 'Einstein's expectations' by 10 fold, simply go to "The BEST of Cosmos" 2000-2004 where Ann Druyan states about the hero Carl Sagan "When your in love you want to tell the world about it."  Question :  Is that how Ann Druyan after 2002 and my "Memoirs" 2002faxed Fox news (and Sublimation Jan-May 1986, 70 Westland Ave, Boston) was to have described my use of the word "fu_k" for 'truck'?  Please answer that forensic chonolgical question O'Reilly, or, is it so that you really, about the REAL Reality, don't give a TRUCK?                                
                            "Justice The Guardian Of Liberty"

Cosmos 1980 Carl Sagan

                              "The Birth of a Child" 1980 "Cosmos Studios"



Carl Sagan conspicuously in 1980 leaves out the presence of the 1/RR Universal Gravitational field which in fact a child can visualize and understand in the atomistic hierarchy. 

"One of the most exquisite conjectures in science or religion".... "But it stirs the blood."  There is, we are told.." More information & videos can be found at

      At ~11:19 minutes you see the 2004 Nobel prize for 'Quarks have a quantum mechanical property called color and interact with each other through the exchange of gluons, natures glue.'  See picasaweb & Q.E.D.: the strange theory of light & matter" 1985 Richard P. Feynman, which suffered a MASSIVE covert censor.  Concluding Feynman tells you what he THINKS about "color" etc.  THERE WILL BE NO Quantum FIELD THEORY in the Einsteinian continuum gravitational 'P.G.T.H.C.'--- not a whisper--- in the International two part film on the Child’s Atomistic Hierarchy and INHERENT Unified Field Structure.  This Video exhibits ‘Pure Gravitational Thinking in Hierarchical Cosmology’ followed by  KITP party, Theater, music in 2004.  In 2004 Hierarchical Cosmology was deemed buried and DEAD since 1981 & J.B. Hartle & Paul K. Hansma at U.C.S.B. with David Gross & Frank Wilczek present, BURIED the Hierarchical Cosmology Phd thesis of Timothy Victor Krier.  Timothy V. Krier emerged one year after the 2004 Nobel fraud of Gross, Wilczek & on May 14, 2005 entered the WWW with the intent to FILM, as seen in the 1st frame of this video

       Million of people, in particular children, have conceived of the possibility of an Atomistic Hierarchy without realizing that deeply within that assumption on the structure of the universe, there is INHERENT, what the physicists, and especially Albert Einstein, would call ‘A Pure Gravitational Unified Field Structure.’  In 1969-70 a paper entitled “On the Structure of The Field” 1969-70 was written that developed the VISION of the Unified Field Structure INHERENT in the child’s atomistic hierarchy; a vision of extraordinary simplicity that had been over-looked since 1913 and Neils Bohr’s solar system model of the atom.  It is a Highly Visual theory that requires ONLY an understanding of (1) the architecture of a child’s simple geometric progression and (2) that the Universal Field of gravitation, decreases in intensity as the square of the radial distance (1/R2) from the material particle source.  That VISUAL REALIZATION is possible for most people beginning in childhood.                                                             

    On the Structure of The Field1969-70 has EXTENDED Physical and Religious content FOR EVERYONE; the infinitely extended and UNIFIED ‘Pure Gravitational Field Structure’ extends our place and actions HERE in the Universe as they echo out into the surrounding infinite hierarchical universe, where we expect also to be.  The VISUAL panorama which unfolds in the rising resonance of superimposing gravitational field components as they ‘lift’ from the substructure of our elementary particles, ‘to diverge and emanate’ from  the surface of our elementary particles, can  UNEQUIVICALLY, ONLY be compared to the audio-metric score of Richard Strauss’ prelude to Also Sprach Zarathustra.” For that REASON “On the Structure of The Field”1969-70 was written in three parts: Part 1. pp.1-42 (Sept 1969); Part 2. pp.1-32 (Sept’69’- April’70’); Part3-axiomatic consequences (April-Sept.1970), AND it was delivered to the most intelligent-moral men of the day 1. professor John Archibald Wheeler, 2. The Journal of The Physical Review, 3. Eric Sevareid-CBS news, Arthur C. Clark (of “2001: A Space Odyssey”1968 MGM motion picture studios, which, ‘methodically’ exhibits “Star Child” and “Also Sprach Zarathustra”)
      In early 1974, a second approach and ‘a completely independent approach was realized via Albert Einstein’sRELATIVITY” 1917-1961 and his treatment of the ‘Gravitational field intensity/unit surface area’ as we travel ‘OUTWARD’ into an INFINITELY EXTENDED UNIFORM DISTRIBUTION OF STARS.  Einstein made NO ASSUMPTION on ‘what the stars are made of,’ viz. elementary particles and atoms.  Einstein assumes ONLY that the stars are bodies of mass “m” with gravitational fields which extend infinitely far with an intensity (or “number of lines of force/unit surface area) that is inversely proportional to the radial distance 1/R2 from the mass source (star).                                                                                                                                     
    This Einsteinian treatment of the structure of the universe ‘as a whole’ as we travel ‘OUTWARD is done in “PART III” -“CONSIDERATIONS ON THE UNIVERSE AS A WHOLE”pp.105-07, in Einstein’s classic “RELATIVITY”A. Einstein, 1917, 1921…1952 (9th   Edition 1952)..1961, 1995 (Great Minds Series in 1995)..2002We repeat, from above, as we travel ‘OUTWARDinto an infinite universe of stars, Einstein makes NO ASSUMPTION on the elementary structure of the stars, only that they have a mass “m” and “the number of lines of force’ which come from infinity and terminate in a mass ‘m’, is proportional to the mass ‘m’.

     Based on Einstein’s Gravitational treatment to the ‘Structure of the Universe as a Whole’ as we travel ‘OUTWARDS’ into the MACRO-COSMOS, the following TWO BASAL STRUCTURE LAWS emerge for an INFINITE HIERARCHICAL  UNIVERSE:

 To corroborate see,,,

These two basal laws of Structure to the universe as a whole are solutions of Einstein's General theory of Relativity & Gravitation.  They are infinitely certain and 'more rigid' than are Einstein's gravitational field equations based upon the equivalence of inertial & gravitational mass.  These two basal laws of structure are the basis of Pure Gravitational Thinking in Hierarchical Cosmology.  They are understandable beginning in 3rd grade or sooner.  

The objective here is a film on the Unified Field Structure of the Child's Atomistic Hierarchy with Cultural Autonomy in part 2 of the International two part film.  This video begins with filming in 2007 at Kinkos in Washington D.C. at 16th & K Streets N.W. which is two 1/4 blocks from the White House of George W. Bush.  Notice the plastic garbage bag surrounding the camera to block light interference.  The question is in 2007 'Why did not George W. Bush two blocks away, assist in the filming and production?'  George W. Bush and I shared the same childhood years.  He was born July 6, 1946 & "I" was born on March 1, 1946.  It was EASILY possible for you & yours to have seen this film in 1980 when Jimmy Carter, physicist/president was summoned to assist.  Did you and your parents & grandparents, friends & entire family together, deserved to see this film in 1980?  Ask george.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

                               Address on U S Presidentsday February 16, 2015:  

Everything is more.  We repeat Everything is more.  Pause & think if you are capable of understanding & seeing what is meant by "All is more!".  That which we mean is as follows: Reality in the form of a hierarchical gravitational cosmology, has been extended dramatically, for each of us as individuals, & collectively as cultures & nations.  These men seen here, the American Presidents, have censored that gravitational Einsteinian reality, from our view & have done so for 38 years & are steeped in censor at this moment.  These men if they dare to call themselves “Men,” have done far, far, far more damage to reality & the evolution of life, than did Adolf Hitler in the murder of 6 million jews and Stalin did in the murder of 13 million capitalists.  Hitler also had a German youth core.  These arrogant American swine hunts seen here, have censored ‘the fabric of reality’ from their own children & the children of the world for 38 years.  These megalomaniac dictators, know that the universe is infinite in hierarchical gravitational structure, outward in the infinite reaches of otherwise empty space & inward in an infinite dynamic structure to elementary particles, &, that REALITY for each of us as individuals, and, collectively as nations & cultures, has been extended dramatically in the form of a gravitational field reality that is easily seen by all, beginning in childhood, world-wide.  These men have censored from each of us, a  vision that salutes reality & the evolution of life & consciousness in the very real, very dynamic & structurally woven gravitational hierarchical universe.  These men are the high lords of darkness, dark, dark, dark, darkness! 
   These men at this moment & with every billion brain neuron-snaps, or seconds, are censoring in excess of 3 billion people, from a moral, social & cultural compass, to extend & codify, that which is good & bright about themselves & their culture, that, through experience, has forged out-- like carbon in iron that forges steel-- a healthy strong path-way into the future, that is based on the best in their cultural inheritance.  That which compounds the Crime against humanity, is that each of these American great,  great, greats, was alive & able to see that vision since Jimmy Carter in 1977 & including Ronald Reagan 1981, George H. Bush 1989, Bill Clinton 1993, George W. Bush 2001 & Barack Obama 2009, but, each swine hunt refused to acknowledge that such a hierarchical gravitational Einsteinian reality existed & was censored from view & their own children.  That is, for 38 years, each American president has played stupid while they codified & extended idolatry worship to the office of the U S presidency- which is the reason that they sought that office in the first place.  Here we see on Presidents day, Monday February 16, 2015, the lords of darkness & self idolatry worship who ‘bag their prey' & the children of the world, by way of a self serving U S press that pretends that it is blind in the megalomaniac presidential censor which TAKES for personal agg-grandizement of their presidency. 

    Talking points for & Barack Obama, 1. Each of the men seen here, serves a 4 year term as president of the United States, is that correct?  2. Is there any published document in science, gravitation & religion which is published after “On the structure of the field” 1970, which, like the detonation of a nuclear weapon, exhibits ‘How long’ it will take for that censored vision, to provide a moral, social & cultural compass for all peoples on earth? 3. Is that document in The International Journal of General Relativity & Gravitation in 1974 which is 4 years after "On the Structure of the field" 1970!  Question 4. Is anything said here, an exaggeration?  Barack Obama & Bill O'Reilly, speak to the reality of censor!

Presidents day Address, Feb 18, 2015 'Ash Wednesday'

These men at this moment & with every billion brain neuro-snaps, or, seconds of our thinking process, are censoring in excess of 3 billion people, from a moral, social & cultural compass.  A compass to guide & codify that which is good, bright & brave about a culture & the collective passions & pathos of many the millions of Creative Sentient individuals, which create a culture & a nation.  A nation which is, France, Germany, Ireland, England, Italy, Poland, Russia, Iran, Afganistan, Norway, Sweden, Finland Islam, India, China, Japan, Korea, Central & South America & Africa.  That which compounds the Crime against humanity, is that each of these American great, great, greats, was alive & able to see that vision since physicist president Jimmy Carter in 1977 & including Ronald Reagan 1981, George H. Bush 1989, Bill Clinton 1993, George W. Bush 2001 & Barack Obama 2009, but, each swine hunt refused to acknowledge that such a hierarchical gravitational Einsteinian reality existed & each censored that vision from their own children & censored from those children, a film that, like a magnifying glass, is clear & clean & wakes up the children & the men of the world to the very real & enchanting universe that they live in, &, in which, they live out the adventure that is their life & not the life and property of the U S presidents & sadists whom pray upon the spirits of honest & brave men.  These American swine hunt must be called to the task & ordered to retreat from a 38 year censor in which each American president has played stupid to the child’s atomistic hierarchy, while they extended & codified idolatry worship to the office of the U S presidency- which is the reason that they sought after that office in the first place.  Here we see on Presidents day, monday February 16, 2015 & on February 18, 2015, "Ash Wednesday" the U S presidents, the lords of darkness & self-idolatry worship who ‘bag their pray, which is the imaginations of the children of the world, by way of a self-serving U S press that pretends that it is blind in the megalomaniac presidential censors which brazenly take for personal aggrandizement, a vision of world-wide respect for children, their individual cultures & individual actions which should not be touched by the censor of American moralists, American imperialists & American opportunists that are so low as to censor their own children.  That is the legacy of every U S president beginning with physicist president Jimmy Carter & his associate & time traveler Carl Sagan & it is the legacy of Fox news 2009 & cosmologist, moralist, time traveler  Michio Kaku, both of whom, raving crackpots, the U S presidents & press are not short on toting as “American visionaries.”   

Talking points for oreilly@fox news dot com & Barack Obama, president@white 1. Each of the men seen here, serves a 4 year term as president of the United States, is that correct?  2. Is there any published document in science, gravitation & religion which is published after “On the structure of the field” 1970, which, like the detonation of a nuclear weapon exhibits ‘How long’ it will take for the censored hierarchical vision, replete with ‘Pure Gravitational Thinking in Hierarchical Cosmology, to provide a moral, social & cultural compass for all peoples on earth? 3. Is that document in The International Journal of General Relativity & Gravitation in 1974 which is 4 years after "On the Structure of the field" 1970!  Question 4. Is anything said here, an exaggeration?  Barack Obama & Bill oreilly, speak to the reality of censor!

                 The below pictures allow one to stop and think about the issue, compared to a video which flashes by.  However, the video allows for music to accompany the pictures.  The intention in the below documents is to PROVE that the videos on the above two DVD's & especially 'Pure Gravitational Thinking in Hierarchical Cosmology' & 'Hierarchical Cosmology & the Law of God' both on Feb 13, 2010, are MANY fold in excess of Einsteins greatest expectation, AND that, that TORT can & should be judged beginning in 6th grade or sooner.  What we will focus upon is: 1. Was Einstein a Child Prodigy? 2. What insufficient & approximate knowledge about REALITY would OBVIOUSLY prevent his personal fulfillment of his Vision "Einstein's Vision"?  Interestingly we will use Timothy Victor Krier's personal experiences with Professor Hans Albert Einstein in 1971-1973 to dramatically prove the essential point.  You can click on here to see the April 1999 P.B.S. interview with Brian Greene to see how often & intensely others refer to "Einstein, Einstein, Einstein...." to advance their theory.  You can & should also go to & to see if they have provided you with this FACTUAL information & if not 'When should that information have been provided?'  Of course we remind & his "Cultural Warriors" as the author of "Kids are Americans too" that it is his own chosen profession to investigate by computer and telephone & to report the results.  Timothy V. O'Boyle/Krier had no choice as to his profession.

Event 1 was December 1949 and the great adventure of discovering the gravitational field of force.  The discovery is that of a field which is all permeating and constant in time and place and it is a conservative field of force upon which other variable forces, for example sticky candy, can act and interfere with gravitational phenomena,  but they never alter  or diminish the invariable qualities of the Universal Gravitational field; HENCE!, the child experiences the very ‘1st’ DEEP realization of ‘Universality of a substance’ which is clearly & dramatically arrived at & can be arrived at by billions of children world-wide!!  (Should Deutschland follow some of the basal realizations described in the voice of the child Hans, with the musical score “Prelude to Beethoven’s 5th Symphony”?)    

                          Event 2 ‘Blinded by Solar Retinitis’ requires explanation:  In the German film ‘the child’ whose name might be “Hans” but whom we will call here “Timothy” will ask his grandparent/parent “Where does food come from Grandpa?” And Grandpa will answer “Food comes from seeds Hans.”  And the child will ask “Grandpa would you bring me some seeds.”  (Actually Timothy asked “Where do the seeds come from Grandpa??.... Suit yourself Deutschland).  Then the film will exhibit the child, Hans, planting the seeds in a place that does not have sufficient light & despite watering & constant attention, the seeds do not grow!! (The film does not include a scene where Timothy’s dad beats the hell out of the landlord because he smacked a very stubborn persistent Timothy, for always making a muddy mess out of the side walk in the court yard.)  It is during this time that Hans discovers tiny flowers growing, which in the early morning shadows are dropped over with their pebbles folded together.  As the sun rising in the east, appears above the shadow of the Park house or tree which blocks the sunlight, the shadow of the object (Park house, tree) ever so slowly disappears, casting the light of the Sun upon the dropped folded flower.  With that light, the flower ever so slowly responds rhythmically, millimeter by millimeter, rising up & opening it’s pebbles so that when completely opened, it is ‘looking directly at the SUN’ & actually ‘pulsating’ in rhythmic pulses, a fraction of a second long for one pulse, reaching & gathering the light of the sun which makes it strong & healthy!!  That requires time lapse photography to appreciate the concentration that brings the crisp clear REALITY that ‘the child’s eyes are capable of focusing on.’  The camera will also focus on the child’s eyes which will be re-visited at the end of the film ‘P.G.T.H.C.’

    In Edward Teller’s “Memoirs” 2003 Teller states that “The eyes of a child are like magnifying glasses.”  The film might convey that a GERMAN Hans does NOT like to be disturbed by foreign outside voices, when he is observing phenomena.  However, in the German film it will be ABSOLUTELY essential that a German Grandparent/parent be the participant in voice & appearance in the film, to establish the BOND between children and parents who are viewing this film together.  Our intension is to kindle the great expectation that both child and grandparents/parents are capable experiencing together the new extended reality with no outside interference & they are capable of understanding Einstein’s Vision and beyond, and, they are capable of doing that without the mediation of a priest narrator voice that leads them & billions of others to the false belief  that, that narrator, for example Jimmy Carter or Carl Sagan, is superior in mind and talent & exclusive for delivering the ‘Vision’& ‘new extended reality.’  Children & parents world wide are equally capable of discovering the vision themselves because it is the vision of a child.  Hence the USE of foreign voices for Grandparents/parents talking with the child, compounds the Cultural Sublimation & theft of self-respect that would be committed with a narration of the child & parents by any voices other than their own, here ‘German’!  That would be Albert Einstein’s view and he would ‘express himself on that point with great passion’ Scientific American, July 1955.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     
     Event 1 was December 1949 and the great adventure of discovering the gravitational field of force.  The discovery is that of a field which is all permeating and constant in time and place and it is a conservative field of force upon which other variable forces, for example sticky candy, can act and interfere with gravitational phenomena,  but they never alter  or diminish the invariable qualities of the Universal Gravitational field; HENCE!, the child experiences the very ‘1st’ DEEP realization of ‘Universality of a substance’ which is clearly & dramatically arrived at & can be arrived at by billions of children world-wide!!  (Should Deutschland follow some of the basal realizations described in the voice of the child Hans, with the musical score “Prelude to Beethoven’s 5th Symphony”?)                                                                                                                                                                 
 Event 2 with the flower in gravitation, dropping but re-born and rising in the light of the sun and reaching out for the light like a child for its mothers milk, basically is the theme of the rest of the film since in event 2 we have ALL elements which the child will explore as he proceeds--- including a gravitational theory to the structure of photons, the light which the reaching flower opens and pulsates for.   In the film, as progressive basal advances in the Vision are ‘seen’, the film will return to Event 2 & the flower/gravitation/Sun scene as viewed in the light of the new and ‘deeper’ knowledge.