Thursday, June 30, 2016

June 30, 2016. Helena Korinchuk in Kiev, Ukraine very competently booking my travel to Moscow. Listen to this and the COMPETENCE exhibited. What a TREAT especially in the deep sense that I should be working on for the film ‘a 3rd level ‘SCALING’ at the nuclear level and the Maria Meyer model of early 1950 exactly when you see the 1950 video of 4 years old Timmy O’Boyle taken by ‘the MAN from Sicily’ Steven Pellegrino. If nuclei did NOT have a shell structure ‘PGRTHC’ “Resonsonce” would be in CATASTROPHE as would the ‘Extension and codification of Moses Laws’ as Mohammad Mirsaidi in June 2011 would/did agree to without PROOF of the progression of ‘Miracles.’ Unfortunately Wells Fargo and H.Ross Perot want no credit for advancing this trip or the film I. Unfortunately Wells Fargo and H. Ross Perot want no credit for advancing a REALITY film for the YOUNG and OLD. Perot backed "Einstein used to say..." and "What is it about the human brain that so resonates..." Nov 25, 1985-1997 "Creation of the Universe."


June 30, 2016. 
Helena Korinchuk in Kiev, Ukraine very competently booking my travel to
Moscow.  Listen to this and the
COMPETENCE exhibited.  What a TREAT
especially in the deep sense that I should be working on for the film ‘a 3rd level
‘SCALING’ at the nuclear level and the Maria Meyer model of early 1950 exactly
when you see the 1950 video of 4 years old Timmy O’Boyle taken by ‘the MAN from
Sicily’ Steven Pellegrino. If nuclei did NOT have a shell structure ‘PGRTHC’ “Resonsonce”
would be in CATASTROPHE as would the ‘Extension and codification of Moses Laws’
as Mohammad Mirsaidi in June 2011 would/did agree to without PROOF of the
progression of ‘Miracles.’  Unfortunately
Wells Fargo and H. Ross Perot want no credit for advancing a REALITY film for
the YOUNG and OLD. Perot backed "Einstein used to say..." and
"What is it about the human brain that so resonates..." 1Nov 25,
1985-1997 "Creation of the Universe."

Monday, June 27, 2016

Jan 27, 2016. Video featuring audio of Galena whom is the book keeper for Golden Gates Kiev. There is a problem with my payment to the Hostel using Paypal Credit and “” as the agent. That is interfering with my work in PHYSICS and script for Film I. It is quite exciting and you will see it soon. InJune of last year ‘I” proved UNCONDITIONALLY that “I” am ’The Father of E=mcc’ with Albert Einstein asa coach and mentor as was his Son Hans Albert Einstein my friend and the DEEP proponent of ’Hierarchical Cosmology and Gravitation’--- ‘no strings attached. On March 28, 1984 I awoke during neurosurgery and described ‘how much I missed him.’ That is more true that ever today. Any questions on ‘My claim to Fame’ should be addressed to,,,

Jan 27, 2016. 
Video featuring audio of Galena whom is the book keeper for Golden Gates
Kiev.  There is a problem withmy payment
to the Hostel using Paypal Credit and “” as the agent.  That is interfering with my work in PHYSICS
and script for Film I.  It is quite
exciting and you will see it soon. 
InJune of last year ‘I” proved UNCONDITIONALLY that “I” am ’The Father
of E=mcc’ with Albert Einstein asa coach and mentor as was his Son Hans Albert
Einstein my friend and thegosh dare proponent of ’Hierarchical Cosmology and
Gravitation’--- ‘no strings attached.  On
March 28, 1984 I awoke during neurosurgery and described ‘how much I missed him.’  That is more true that ever today.  Any questions on ‘My claim to Fame’ should be
addressed to,,,  To excite yourimagination/expectation allow
me the following propos: To wit ~ 2 months ago outside to enter MLK library ablakmanlooks
at me and like a chronicler EXCLAIMS with a smile ‘HE successfully had a ’HIT’ from
C______ called off!’  Gee whiz does that
mean that somebody likes me?  Ah shucks
that would alsomean that someones dislike me… 
Who might that be?  Remember
thatyou can NOT OFF someone/thing that DOES NOT EXIST.  From KIEV with love.  Attached song e-mail list.

Sunday, June 26, 2016

June 27, 2016. KIEV UKRAIN. Subject: Non-payment of booking from Paypal for6.25.2016 thru 6.27.2016. See pics and audio attached. Finally Kiev Golden Gates Hostel is a Wonderful place to stay.

June 25, 2016. In Kiev ar GoldenGates Hostel. Actually at 6min here my thoughts were more appropriate than 'Im gonna get them Unc!' At that time I did not know about 'PGTRT' where "R"stands for "resonance." And the "I" was at that time working on 'The Alpha Lattice' ask Warren Guy Holt and Bob Horn who would corroborate that since they have 'No CRAZY BUDDIES! Do NOT ask them about that while they are eating as they could choke to death here in MGA^*.

June 25, 2016. Attached Two Word docs plus 36
pics.  1. Word doc ‘Infinite Hierarch
Cosmology & Law of God’ Oct 27, 2009 is a copy of the original and that IS
what Buegler INTERRUPTED me doing for a wiretapped INTERROGATION; SEE the introduction
to the H. Ross Perot Picasa folder about ‘Buegler &’DIEING.’  This Oct27, 2009 document would be described
by Einstein both Albert & Hans Albert as ‘a 5-wonderful’ or a  ‘wonderful, wonderful, wonderful, wonderful ”MIRACLE
“in the evolution of LIFE & MAN. 2. Word doc Dec 28, 2009 was forwarded from
the home of in
Texas a mile from the office of H. Ross Perot in Plano as you see him on video
invitation on Oct 1, 2012 in Plano Texas. 
At the time of the 1st Word doc Oct 27, 2009 I was living in the storm
drain in Wash DC- Pic attached.  Word doc
Dec 28, 2029 is from Plano Texas Tammy Paul & Mike Sutter might have been
present.  I retain many tape recordings
of him & he was present & listening at the BUEGLER-PEROT
INTERROGATION.  Buegler was wire tapped,
NO MAYBES’ about it- Subsequent events HORRIFIC.  Dec 28, 2009 was my sister Diane’s date of
death one year before.  Buegler 10 months
later would TELL me numerous times to the point of pissing me off that ‘SHE WAS
AFTER THE MONEY!!’ in the case for my subdural hematoma & laughing attorney
Nolan.  Moreover jack-off Buegler
announced that Dennis Quad seen in ‘The Right Stuff” 1983 was “Gene Autry’s
nephew”!  “The Right Stuff” 1983 was
delivered to
immediately from Wash DC upon having Tammy Paul, Michael Paul, Steven Paul’s
e-mail address’ as COVER to guarantee my departure.  In Sept 2008 An attorney at Bally’s Gym 21st
St. filed motion with the court that ‘Barack Obama could NOT order my detention
& examination for the brain beating ”I” had received during & after
trial Sept 1985.’

In the Oct 1, 2012 complete 7 min video does H. Ross Perot LOOK like he is running
for the U.S. Presidency in 2016???  In
Oct 2009 Mike Buegler’s last question to me was IF ‘I would run for the U.S.
Presidency? His1st question was on the sperm sample I VERY INTESIONALLY left in
front of Normie Krier’s house in Nokomis Fl. under observation & video surveillance
in Aug-Sept 1985 after returning from Humana Aug 5, 1985 with tape recordings
that could ‘kill’--  me or ‘EVIL’!!!  “I” was TRAPPING THEM!  That was followed by the same ‘President’
question from Mike Sutter, Douglas & Jim, my sisters best male friend in
Plano & a JEWEL of a man. KEEP in mind ‘I DID NOT KNOW that Buegler, Perot
EXISTED or had been STALKING since receiving e-mails in 2008.  On Dec 28, 2009 I did not yet have Mike
Sutter’s e-mail or know that he knew a ‘Mike Buegler ‘a Prince of Virtue and
self aggrandizement using other peoples suffering ’ Attached audio of Tammy
Paul in April 2010 obeying the orders of H. Ross Perot transmitted at the
Austin Avenue bar and Grill where boozed up they controlled the destiny of
Scandinavia, Russia, Chine, Islam and Film I andmy Web-site.  Had “I” a web site Mike Sutter with his two
wonderful sons, would have been doing the booking business & web
development that I am doing now.  He
would have received 20% of the profit he brought in.  Question 2: 
Perot ends on the themeof paying off the campaign debt: ‘IS or HAS PEROT
paid anyone, including Steve Sekula, Sam Kerdnat’s new “Father Image”!  Is Perot’s INSANITY CONTAGIOUS?  BUEGLER-PEROT, and the rest have strangled the
imaginations of the children & people of NORWAY for TOO, TOO, TOO, TOO and
life is constructed from birth through 8 years old.  START NOW! Is your wife pregnant?  Wake UP. 
Word doc 1 ‘Infinite HC and the Law of God’ will be delightfully
understood by CHILDREN on the motion picture screen of Film I.

Friday, June 17, 2016

June 18, 2016. Begins Oslo Norway & includes receipt by AftenPoften of the invitation to view Picasaweb video of June 9, 2016. That video is the BLOCK Buster that exposes ‘When’ & ‘What’ Carl Sagan, Ann Druyan, Jimmy Carter did in 1977-1980 thru 2000- 2004. The 1st video seen at airport arriving in Oslo is exemplary of the CLARITY of vision of these Norwegians. This video includes receipt from foreign entities acknowledging and I assume endorsing the concept that I should have a website with advertising that “I” would be paid for and hence in a position to travel for International film development. The point is made here by FACT that Oslo Norway (International Software Technology) and Aftenpoften Oslo have been the outstanding champions of the vision to film for six years! The airport video complements their minds and hearts & is an expression of the latent godly potential inherent in the human mind groomed by culture just as ‘PGTHC' is INHERENT in H.C. & Gravitation-children can see that.

     Edited OSLO, Norway video. Another addition is coming.  The pic here entitled "The Way We Were is far, far, Far in excess of Einstein's greatest expectation & yet it's greatest strength arrises from the 1917 Einsteinian approach to the Structure of the Universe as a whole.  However, it is OBVIOUS that Einstein would FAIL in his Quest precisely because of his childhood experiences and thedevelopement of his amygdaloidal core from birth to 9 years old. Any questions about that should be addressed to the 'American Great, Great Greats' as would put it. America 'Toyota you want it you got it', they are your guardians and protectors:,, H.Ross Perot at Texas Instruments and

Thursday, June 16, 2016

June 17, 2016. Begins Oslo Norway & includes receipt by AftenPoften of the invitation to view Picasaweb video of June 9, 2016. That video is the BLOCK Buster that exposes ‘When’ & ‘What’ Carl Sagan, Ann Druyan, Jimmy Carter did in 1977-1980 thru 2000- 2004. The 1st video seen at airport arriving in Oslo is exemplary of the CLARITY of vision of these Norwegians. This video includes receipt from foreign entities acknowledging and I assume endorsing the concept that I should have a website with advertising that “I” would be paid for and hence in a position to travel for International film development. The point is made here by FACT that Oslo Norway (International Software Technology) and Aftenpoften Oslo have been the outstanding champions of the vision to film for six years! The airport video complements their minds and hearts & is an expression of the latent godly potential inherent in the human mind groomed by culture just as ‘PGTHC' is INHERENT in H.C. & Gravitation-children can see that.

June 17, 2016.  This video begins with picture of AftenPoften
in Oslo Norway taken yesterday June 16, 2016.   That is followed by receipt by AftenPoften of the invitation to view Picasaweb video of June 9, 2016. That video is the BLOCK Buster that exposes ‘When’& ‘What’ Carl Sagan, Ann Druyan, Jimmy Carter did in 1977-1980 and
continued with in 2000 thru 2004.  The 1st video seen here is from four days ago arriving in Oslo and departing from the Air Craft “Turkish Airlines.” In my opinion the video is exemplary of the
CLARITY of vision of these Norwegians.  Inever expected to see something that beautiful in my life.  This video includes receipt from foreign entities acknowledging and I assume endorsing the concept that I should have a website with advertising that “I” would be paid for and hence in a position to travel for International film development.
The point is made here by FACT that Oslo Norway (International Software Technology) and Aftenpoften Oslo have been the outstanding champions of the vision to film for
six years!  The ‘stunning’ airport video complements their minds and hearts.  It is an expression of the latent godly potential inherent in the human mind groomed by HEALTHY culture just as ‘PGTHC is INHERENT in H.C. & Gravitation.  Children can see that perhaps better than

Thursday, June 09, 2016

May 22, 2016. "The Prince of Virtue" 'H. Ross Perot.' Uploaded to you Tube on Jan 21, 2016 five months ago. See the following video for A. Margaritis at the University of Western Ontario in Dec 2005 & Mike Buegle/Perot in Dec. 2009.June 9, 2016. Editorial remark: 'Get a load of this 'Crack Pot Perot' in the context of the Carl Sagan he & his culture heaped upon the people of the earth for 39 years & "I"have no website...'You' have no film for your children & parents.

Perot claims without proof that an entire Republican party threatened to KILL his DAUGHTER in 1992.  Yet he had $3.1 billion and no one was executed for such a threat upon a 'MANS' daughter.  What fuc_ing planet is this?  What time & century is it?

June 9, 2016, 4:59 PM. Google will not allow the previous Perot video to be "Shared." Keep in mind that the H.I.G claims it will arrest G.W. Bush if he travels to Europe according to You Tube. H.Ross Perot wants the Bush clan locked up or worse. Perot has a LOT IN COMMON with the EGO of H.I.G.. Perot IS INSANE & H.I.G. has NOTHING to do with my life or work. "I" did the High Interrogation Group investigation. As faras I know H.I.G. does notknowhowto wipe it's own arse.

June 9, 2016. This IS hyped-up INSANITY & an excerpt from Cosmos Episode 10 in 1980 which is re-cast in 2000 as "The Collectors Edition" 2000 seen at the end here. That is followed by "Persistence of Memory" 1980 re-cast here in 2000 as part of "The Collectors Edition" 2000. Here you see "Executive Assistent to Carl Sagan Shirley Arden." In my1983 letter from Shirley Arden, Arden refers to Sagan numerous times as "Doctor Sagan." In Episode 10 1980 Sagan COMPLETLY destroys the possibility of 'P.G.T.H.C.' & ERASES himself from the stage as a COSMOLOGIST or even a Junior Physicist; he insults & defames Einstein & high school physics 6th grade- Freshman. This is dedicated to Barack Obama. ALL Links Lidia Madry With reluctance I place these links here. "I" rarely view these albums because of TIME & SURVEILLANCE. I LOOK FORWARD to LEAVING SOON & ALIVE.

June 9, 2016.  This IS hyped-up INSANITY & an excerpt from Cosmos Episode 10 in 1980 which is re-cast in 2000 as "The Collectors Edition" 2000 seen at the end here.  That is followed by "Persistence of Memory" 1980 re-cast here in 2000 as part of "The Collector’s Edition" 2000.  Here you see "Executive Assistent to Carl Sagan Shirley Arden."  In my1983 letter from Shirley Arden, Arden refers to Sagan numerous times as "Doctor Sagan."  In Episode 10 1980 Sagan COMPLETLY destroys the possibility of 'P.G.T.H.C.' & ERASES himself from the stage as a COSMOLOGIST or even a Junior Physicist;  he insults & defames Einstein & high school physics 6th grade- Freshman.  This is dedicated to Barack Obama.

With reluctance I place these links here.  "I" rarely view these albums because of TIME & SURVEILLANCE.  I LOOK FORWARD to LEAVING SOON & ALIVE.   ALL Links  Lidia Madry

Wednesday, June 08, 2016

June 8, 2016. As far as I can see no one addressed here yesterday on June 7, 2016 has 'The Right Stuff.' Ta Ta 'How I love Pussies, they make me feel more important than ever in the land of 'The Right Stuff.'

June 8, 2016. As far as I can see no one addressed here yesterday on June 7, 2016 has 'The Right Stuff.'  Ta Ta 'How I love Pussies, they make me feel more important than ever in the land of 'The Right Stuff.'

Tuesday, June 07, 2016

June 7, 2016. Here at 1 min. 15 sec. you see Carl Sagan in 1979-80 re-spoken in the Nov 25, 2000 "The BEST of Cosmos" claiming then in 1980 1st edition of "COSMOS" 1980 that he Sagan speaks for earth. The above is then re-broadcast in Nov 25, 2000 with the CLAIM again that they "Cosmos Studios" 2000"Speak for Earth." That is then disappeared in July 2004. And so I say to you on June 7, 2016 my fellow Earthlings in Finland, Norway, Sweden, Russia, Japan, Philippines, Israel, Iran ‘WHO the TRUCK-FU_K speaks for you???’ Get off your arses and FIGHT!!! BUT, BUT, BUT ask H. Ross Perot & Mike Buegler at AA Bar & Grill Texas Instruments 1st if that is O.K.. At the end here you see an envelope from Shirley Arden... You have a Gun USE IT.

Click last link.

June 7, 2016. Here at 1 min. 15 sec. you see Carl Sagan in 1979-80 re-spoken in the Nov 25, 2000 "The BEST of Cosmos" claiming then in 1980 1st edition of "COSMOS" 1980 that he Sagan speaks for earth. The above is then re-broadcast in Nov 25, 2000 with the CLAIM again that they "Cosmos Studios" 2000"Speak for Earth." That is then disappeared in July 2004. And so I say to you on June 7, 2016 my fellow Earthlings in Finland, Norway, Sweden, Russia, Japan, Philippines, Israel, Iran ‘WHO the TRUCK.FU_K speaks for you???’ Get off your arses and FIGHT!!! BUT, BUT, BUT ask H. Ross Perot & Mike Buegler at AA Bar & Grill Texas Instruments 1st if that is O.K.. At the end here you see an envelope from Shirley Arden... You have a Gun USE IT.

June 7, 2016.  Here at 1 min. 15 sec. you see Carl Sagan in 1979-80 re-spoken in the Nov 25, 2000 "The BEST of Cosmos" claiming then in 1980 1st edition of "COSMOS" 1980 that he Sagan speaks for earth.  The above is then re-broadcast in Nov 25, 2000 with the CLAIM again that they "Cosmos Studios" 2000"Speak for Earth."  That is then disappeared in July 2004.  And so I say to you on June 7, 2016 my fellow Earthlings in Finland, Norway, Sweden, Russia, Japan, Philippines, Israel, Iran ‘WHO the TRUCK.FU_K speaks for you???’  Get off your arses and FIGHT!!! BUT, BUT, BUT ask H. Ross Perot & Mike Buegler at AA Bar & Grill Texas Instruments 1st if that is O.K.. At the end here you see an envelope from Shirley Arden... You have a Gun USE IT.

June 7, 2016. This video features "The BEST of Cosmos" Nov 25, 2005 which is ~ 1 hour & 20 minutes in length with THE BEST od Cosmos seen at 59 minutes. Here you see the opening frame which has included today the laughing audio of attorney John T. Nolan in Oct 1985. The video then skips to the END of "The BEST of Cosmos" Nov 2000 at 1 hr 11minutes where Sagan returns to a precise remark on the Radio telescopes & our survival as a civilization. Here you see & hear Sagan say "We speak for earth" by which he means "Cosmos Studios, Ann Druyan & he speak for earth." LOOK forensically at the AGE of Sagan when he says that--- you 'FUCKING IDIOTS'! Sagan is then at 1980 a young man and has 'SET THE DEAL WITH JIMMY CARTER in Wash D.C. to STEAL the world-Vision.' That should have been seen immediately by H.Ross Perot in Jan 2009 when he received the YouSendIt video of "The BEST of Cosmos." PEROT IS A PIKER? Any QUESTIONS??? Are Barack Obama & your friends???Do you have a Dildo up your ARSE?

June 7, 2016.  This video features "The BEST of Cosmos" Nov 25, 2005 which is ~ 1 hour & 20 minutes in length with THE BEST od Cosmos seen at 59 minutes.  Here you see the opening frame which has included today the laughing audio of attorney John T. Nolan in Oct 1985.  The video then skips to the END of "The BEST of Cosmos" Nov 2000 at 1 hr 11minutes where Sagan returns to a precise remark on the Radio telescopes & our survival as a civilization.  Here you see & hear Sagan say "We speak for earth" by which he means "Cosmos Studios, Ann Druyan & he speak for earth."  LOOK forensically at the AGE of Sagan when he says that--- you 'FUCKING IDIOTS'!  Sagan is then at 1980 a young man and has 'SET THE DEAL WITH JIMMY CARTER in Wash D.C. to STEAL the world-Vision.'  That should have been seen immediately by H.Ross Perot in Jan 2009 when he received the YouSendIt video of "The BEST of Cosmos."  PEROT IS A PIKER?  Any QUESTIONS??? Are Barack Obama & your friends???Do you have a Dildo up your ARSE?

June 7, 2016. This video features "The BEST of Cosmos" Nov 25, 2005 which is ~ 1 hour & 20 minutes in length with THE BEST od Cosmos seen at 59 minutes. Here you see the opening frame which has included today the laughing audio of attorney John T. Nolan in Oct 1985. The video then skips to the END of "The BEST of Cosmos" Nov 2000 at 1 hr 11minutes where Sagan returns to a precise remark on the Radio telescopes & our survival as a civilization. Here you see & hear Sagan say "We speak for earth" by which he means "Cosmos Studios, Ann Druyan & he speak for earth." LOOK forensically at the AGE of Sagan when he says that--- you 'FUCKING IDIOTS'! Sagan is then at 1980 a young man and has 'SET THE DEAL WITH JIMMY CARTER in Wash D.C. to STEAL the world-Vision.' This should beknownby H.Ross Perot by Jan 2009 when he receivedthe YouSendIt video of "The BEST of Cosmos" on Jan9, 2009. PEROT IS A PIKER? Any QUESTIONS???

June 7, 2016.  This video features "The BEST of Cosmos" Nov 25, 2005 which is ~ 1 hour & 20 minutes in length with THE BEST od Cosmos seen at 59 minutes.  Here you see the opening frame which has included today the laughing audio of attorney John T. Nolan in Oct 1985.  The video then skips to the END of "The BEST of Cosmos" Nov 2000 at 1 hr 11minutes where Sagan returns to a precise remark on the Radio telescopes & our survival as a civilization.  Here you see & hear Sagan say "We speak for earth" by which he means "Cosmos Studios, Ann Druyan & he speak for earth."  LOOK forensically at the AGE of Sagan when he says that--- you 'FUCKING IDIOTS'!  Sagan is then at 1980 a young man and has 'SET THE DEAL WITH JIMMY CARTER in Wash D.C. to STEAL the world-Vision.'  This should beknownby H.Ross Perot by Jan 2009 when he receivedthe YouSendIt video of "The BEST of Cosmos" on Jan9, 2009.  PEROT IS A PIKER?  Any QUESTIONS???

Monday, June 06, 2016

June 6, 2016. This video clip will be added to the previous video where The subject is the Cosmos Studios Charter & PBS Charter as they BOTH entered the World of Opportunity created in 1949 as seen in 'Memoirs of a Child Prodigy' 2002 & in 1969-70 in "On the Structure of The Field"--- neither of which have been recognized to EXIST by Carl Sagan, Ann Druyan, Timothy Ferris, Jimmy Carter or Cosmos Studios 2000. Here you see the BARE BONES of the FACTS, e.g. the Sagan teserect should have audio explaining to laymen & children what the Teserect means insofar as hierarchical Cosmology and 'P.G.R.T.H.C.'.

June 6, 2016. The subject is the Cosmos Studios Charter & PBS Charter as they BOTH entered the World of Opportunity created in 1949 as seen in 'Memoirs of a Child Prodigy' 2002 & in 1969-70 in "On the Structure of The Field"--- neither of which have been recognized to EXIST by Carl Sagan, Ann Druyan, Timothy Ferris, Jimmy Carter or Cosmos Studios 2000.

June 6, 2016.  The subject is the Cosmos Studios Charter & PBS Charter as they BOTH entered the World of Opportunity created in 1949 as seen in 'Memoirs of a Child Prodigy' 2002 & in 1969-70 in "On the Structure of The Field"--- neither of which have been recognized to EXIST by Carl Sagan, Ann Druyan, Timothy Ferris, Jimmy Carter or Cosmos Studios 2000

Friday, June 03, 2016

June 3, 2015. In only 27 minutes you are going to see & hear FACTUAL documentation on the most EVIL men the world has ever known. More evil than Stalin, Hitler and heirs to the insanity of those like Jeffrey Dohmer who I watched briefly on Stone Phillips in Plano Texas in January, February 2010 while “Pure Gravitational Thinking and the Law of God” & “Valentines” Feb 13, 2010 were being created. Amongst what you are about to see & hear is attorney John T. Nolan laughing after trial in October 1985 & saying that he had done his best & that there are “NO MIRACLES!” Nolan is referring to the neurosurgery film where I woke & proclaimed “The Universe IS a MIRACLE!” That film was with held from trial as was witness Debbie Barr, etc. CBS news Eric Sevareid, Bob Schieffer whom you see here were BOTH aware of the neurosurgery film & this audio of Nolan laughing & ‘miracling’ as were ALL US Presidents seen here. There is TOO much here to site at this time. H. Ross Perot is aware of this & MUCH MORE.

June 3, 2015.  In only 27 minutes you are going to see & hear FACTUAL documentation on the most EVIL men the world has ever known.  More evil than Stalin, Hitler and heirs to
the insanity of those like Jeffrey Dohmer who I watched briefly on Stone Phillips in Plano Texas in January, February 2010 while “Pure Gravitational Thinking and the Law of God” & “Valentines” Feb 13, 2010 were being created.  Amongst what you are about to see & hear is attorney John T. Nolan laughing after trial in October 1985 & saying that he had done his best & that there are “NO MIRACLES!”  Nolan is referring to the neurosurgery film where I woke & proclaimed “The Universe IS a MIRACLE!”  That film was with held from trial as was witness Debbie Barr, etc.  CBS news Eric Sevareid, Bob Schieffer whom you see here were BOTH aware of the neurosurgery film & this audio of Nolan laughing & ‘miracling’ as were ALL US Presidents seen here. There is TOO much here to site at this time.  H. Ross Perot is aware of this & MUCH MORE.  The question arrises as to how LITTLE the US presidents as individuals really are, and as a GROUP in the Obama photograph since each and everyone of them IS FULLY aware of the FACTS here, including my sublimation in Boston in 1986 and that I was a child prodigy whowasbeing sublimated interrogated, which they knew then in 1986 and on March 1, 2002 when “Memoirs of a Child Prodigy”was faxed and delivered to THEM.  The question arises as to how LITTLE they are compared to yourself if you are an HONEST man and compared to me since “I” have FAR, FAR, FAR EXCEEDED Einstein’s greatest Expectations and yet ‘I’ Do NOT Exist in their world or culture.