Tuesday, February 28, 2017

   https://youtu.be/PBOgmNLNHG0       This is an edited update of yesterdays World-wide MUTED Autobiographical video which was muted because of one song “You so vain” by Carly Simon.  The MUTING included historic 196-and 1962 addresses by President John Kennedy to the U.S.Congress and the world.  Today the audio song “Your so vain” Carly Symon has been removed and replaced by audio of Historic Proportions in excess of J.F.K..  That audio included the U.S. Park Police on April 1, 2016, attorney John T. Nolan in October 1985, laughing, September 10,1986 pimping psychiatry and/or medication and Human Hospital one month before on August 5, 1986.  In the U.S. Park Police April 11, 2017 tape recording, I  state to Officer Simbicore about the the Human Hospital event that ‘I walked into Humana hospital with a blade sharp enough to cut my own throat in the event I were taken alive.  I said that I did it to protect and defend his country and he replied “We appreciate that.”  Notice that video begins at 22:40 minutes here and replaces “Your so Vain” which was yesterday at 16:00minutes.  Notice that the audio of Nolan “There are no miracles” Oct 1985 is placed over the picture of Geoffrey Chew “Oh my God!” in his “A Passion for Physics” 1985.  Chew in his “Passion for Physics” 1985 presents his accurate Biography proclaiming “Oh my God!’ and claiming he realized via “Reggi Pole” that he did NOT need an equation of motion.  We of EUP Physics claim that our E=Mcc Structure Law contains an Infinite set of coupled partial Differential equations as ‘EQUATIONS of MOTION.’  Chew has NONE compared to EUP which has an INFINITE Einsteinian set of Einsteinian equations of motion. But who is Timothy Victor Krier/O’Boyle to make such a modest claim???

E Pluribus UnUm Physics; Autobiography of Zweistein including PGTHC & JF...

E Pluribus UnUm Physics; Autobiography of Zweistein including PGTHC & JF...