Biography of Albert Einstein, Timothy V.
Krier, Leonard Susskind- Aug. 30, 2017.
This is an update of the Aug. 24, 2017 biography with
comment and video after the former August 24, 2017 upload. The comment contains heavy duty factual
evidence for all cultures, especially American, to examine. The additional attached video there is a 1974
video of “Albert Einstein: The education of a genius” with John A. Wheeler as
the only “Consultant.” Wheeler is also
the ‘Father of Quantum Foam theory” which is the theory of Leonard Susskind and
Andrea, Children,
Here at 23 sec and 30 sec you will
two FACTUAL torts which in excess of 90% of the Earth inhabitants can and
should understand. Further the challenge
is advanced that IF children can understand 'P.G.T.H.C.' then an excuse that
'you can NOT because your are not a theoretical physicist IS an INSANE
remark/excuse to censor the world and your own culture. Had Andrea Clune been with me the FILM would
already be underway, and my property would NOT have been stolen.