Thursday, March 31, 2016

At 11:30 minutes you see 'The National Institute for Theoretical Physics in Washington, D.C. on February 29, 2016 which was the day following the Academy Awards in Hollywood. Since we are featuring Hollywood, you see following the National Institute in Washington D.C. on feb 29, 2016, David Gross giving his 2004 Nobel lecture speech which he announced at the celebration of Oct 2004 at UCSB entitled "Theater and Drama in Theoretical Physics" Oct 2004-March 2005. That is followed at 18:30min by audio of G. H. Bush with “this is a Historic moment” accomaning the pic on the human brain & P.G.T.H.C. & 19min by Bush with “These are times that try men’s souls” followed by pic with ‘OBAMA Hallo’ & WH Corespondents Dinner 2012 on “The ultimate sacrifice”—Christopher Stevens … At 23:19min David Gross ‘the hero in the wings’ appears & then Key West Police accusing the "I" Timothy V. Krier of "Burglary" & arresting me for exposing an open bottle of propane placed under my window with glass panes removed by GH Bush DEA


 Academy Awards Feb 29, 2016- "Theater & drama in Theoretical Physics" Oct 2004 UCSB, KITP,  

Academy Awards Feb 29, 2016-  "Theater & Drama in Theoretical Physics" Oct 2004

At approximately 11:30 minutes you see 'The National Institute for
Theoretical Physics in Washington, D.C. on February 29, 2016 which was the day
 following the Academy Awards in Hollywood.  Since we are featuring
Hollywood, you see following the National Institute in Washington D.C. on feb
29, 2016, David Gross giving his 2004 Nobel lecture speech which he announced
at the celebration of Oct 2004 at UCSB  entitled "Theater and Drama
in Theoretical Physics" Oct 2004-March 2005.  That is followed at
18:30min by audio of G. H. Bush with “this is a Historic moment” accomaning the
pic on the human brain & P.G.T.H.C. & 19min by Bush with “These are
times that try men’s souls” followed by pic with ‘OBAMA Hallo’ & WH Corespondents
Dinner 2012 on “The ultimate sacrifice”—Christopher Stevens … At 23:19min David
Gross ‘the hero in the wings’ appears & then Key West Police accusing the "I"
Timothy V. Krier of "Burglary" & arresting me for exposing an
open bottle of propane placed under my window with glass panes removed at the
order of G.H. Bushes D.E.A. in Nov 1990 as “I” was helpless & in bed with a
broken leg.  (editors note: Please
forgive these typed comments because “He suffered a head injury and now he
tells these stories!” (& has schizophrenic ventriloquist Bush/Obama’ KW Police
voice additions.)

Feb 29, 2016. Academy Award & PGTHC-2.29.2016.

At approximately 11 minutes you see 'The National Institute for Theoretical Physics in Washington, D.C. on February 29, 2016 which was the day  following the Academy Awards in Hollywood.  Also you see following the National Institute in Washington D.C. on feb 29, 2016, David Gross giving his 2004 Nobel lecture speech which he announced at the celebration of Oct 2004 at UCSB  entitled "Theater and Drama in Theoretical Physics" Oct 2004-March 2005.  That is followed by audio of  G. H. Bush with ‘Historic proclaimations followed by Key West Police accusing the "I" Timothy V. Krier of "Burglary" & arresting me for exposing an open bottle of propane placed under my window with glass panes removed at the order of G.H. Bushes D.E.A. in Nov 1990 as “I” was helpless & in bed with a broken leg.  Please forgive these typed comments because “He suffered a head injury and now he tells these stories!” (& has ventriloquist voice additions---he has Hollywood potential as do H.Ross Perot & Mike Buegler of Texas Instruments, Richardson Texas. 'Wow!) )

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

 The video of March 25, 2016 five days ago entitled " 25, 2016 has been edited very briefly & succinctly as follows:  the one minute of audio laughing at KITP UCSB on Oct 7, 2004 found at 4:35- 5:35 minutes has been replaced by the 1st minute of Oct 19, 2007 "Future Revolutions in Theoretical Physics" at Berkeley by the Chair person of the Berkeley physics department who claims that she is introducing a 'GREAT MIND' & that 'many GREAT MINDS' are going to be revealed in the future due to the $12 million dollar federal grant that Berkeley had come by due to David Gross' telephone call request to Washington, D.C. to fund research in theoretical physics at Berkeley.  The claim that David Gross has an extraordinary mind & made 'profound contributions to theoretical physics is CHALLENGED here by placing pics of my physics of Hierarchical Cosmology & Gravitation accompanying the audio purporting 'greatness.'  Again we repeat that 'That audio boasting greatness at Berkeley in  October 2007is  today March 29, 2016 placed over 'my physics' of Hierarchical Cosmology & Gravitation' which David Gross & Geoffrey Chew have CENSORED since December 1976 & March 1981 when I took a severe brow beating by Paul K. Hansma & James B. Hartle at UCSB and was TOLD TO SHUT UP!!  Hence it IS appropriately in 'CONTEST' to place REAL PHYSICS with the audio of Gross accomplishments. And it is done today on March 30, 2016 from Washington, D.C. where "I" am a homeless bum being evicted from a tent. The greatest 'profound' accomplishment of Gross was **EVIL** by way of his 1980-81 CENSOR of 10's of Billions of Children world-wide. Hence EUP is in mortal conflict with Gross & Berkeley & Quantum Field Theory.  The US Congress which funds KITP & Berkeley & hence garnishes/steals respect for REAL GRAVITATIONAL PHYSICS should & MUST address the CONTEST.
      See here 'STALKING UCSB Feb-May 1986 during SUBLIMATION /INTERROGATION & AMYGDALOIDAL ANNHILLATOR'                                                           

Friday, March 25, 2016,



March 25, 2016.  This video begins with Geoffrey Chews own autobiographical history from “A Passion for Physics” 1985 including how in the Washington Post he exposed the Manhattan Project in 1943 in Washington D C.  This video begins with a picture of Federal government computer wiretapping on July 14, 2013 followed by the government email address of Geoffrey Chew today who is on the federal payroll on this date March 25, 2016.  At one minute a picture of the human brain & ‘Pure Gravitational Thinking’ is exhibited and at 4:36 minutes one page with a letter of 16 Nov 1970 from John Archibald Wheeler is exhibited with Hierarchical Structure laws I & II, viz  ‘A Pure Gravitational Unified Field Structure’ and Structure Law II the Alpha Lattice which are derived from Albert Einstein’s Relativity, three pages “Considerations On The Universe as a Whole.” seen with that same 16 Nov 1970 Wheeler letter requesting calculation. At 5:46 minutes you see the combined email addresses of Gross, Chew & Hartle in the event they contest the physics presented in Structure Laws I & II.  Gross, Chew & Hartle should be called to the task & a demand for reply should be implemented by the US government & press.  At 4:41 minutes audio of laughing at UCSB, KITP on Oct 7, 2004 at the Nobel ceremony begins & is heard through 5:26 minutes.  E Pluribus UnUm physics contends that no one in the world, beginning with children, dare laugh at Structure Laws 1 & 2 of Hierarchical Cosmology gravitational physics.  This video is four minutes in length & we claim totally devastates, censures & censors the evil mind set of the Wheeler, Chew, Gross, Hartle 46 year censor of children’s Hierarchical Cosmology & Gravitation.  The video begins with the challenge to Chew, Gross, Hartle at Berkekley & U C S B Santa Barbara to contest.

Thursday, March 17, 2016

March 17, 2016. Here you can see that the computer was shipped on Feb 26, 2016. Suffice it to point out that "Psychopaths ALWAYS return to the scene of the crime." The 1st event was the Federal wire tape of my mother's telephone in Iowa during & after the September 24-30, 1984 trial of 'Laughing Attorney John T.Nolan IMMEDIATELY in Oct 1985 & due the Reagan/Bush administration of SADISM went Satanism long before March 10, 2016 & Feb 13, 2010. The expectation is almost unquestionable that the great, great, great, great, great American tradition will be carried on in the next administration. By the way recall that George W. Bushes 1999 campaign slogan was that he wanted to be known as "The Education President."

March 17, 2016.  Here you can see that the computer was shipped on Feb 26, 2016.  Suffice it to point out that "Psychopaths ALWAYS return to the scene of the crime."  The 1st event was the Federal wire tape of my mother's telephone in Iowa during & after the September 24-30, 1984 trial of 'Laughing Attorney John T.Nolan IMMEDIATELY in Oct 1985 & due the Reagan/Bush administration of SADISM went Satanism long before March 10, 2016 & Feb 13, 2010.  The expectation is almost unquestionable that the great, great, great, great, great American tradition will be carried on in the next administration. By the way recall that George W. Bushes 1999 campaign slogan was that he wanted to be known as "The Education President."