Link to Folder Archieves Film 2016
Part 3. The You Tube 40:12 video which received a worldwide censor from BBC has been edited to three videos of ~ 16 minutes each.
Your video will be live at: Pt 1 Wheeler, Steven Hawking’s Universe 1997, Texas Instruments 1985-1997, Margot Einstein 1974-revisited
Summer 1950, Chicago, Illinois
Binu of Karala India at Lavra Monestary, Kiev, Ukraine, August 29, 2016- Part 1
Binu of Karala India at Lavra Monestary, Kiev, Ukraine, August 29, 2016- Part 2
Binu of Karala India at Lavra Monestary, Kiev, Ukraine, August 29, 2016- Part 3
“Einstein having a final discussion with de Broglie on
the platform of the Gare du Node in Paris, whence they had traveled from
Brussels to attend the Fresnel centenary celebration, said “that all physical
theories, their mathematical expression apart, ought to lend themselves to a
simple description ‘that even a child could understand them.’” Here we see that
de Broglie is acknowledging a theory of gravitation by a child, which began on
the night of April18, 1955, the day that Einstein died.
«Ейнштейн з остаточного обговорення з
де Бройль на платформі Gare du вузла в Парижі, звідки вони побували з Брюсселя
відвідувати Френеля святкування сторіччя, сказав: «що всі фізичні теорії, їх
математичний вираз плечей, повинен, прив'язуються до простим описом ' що навіть
дитина може розуміти їх.'» Тут ми бачимо, що де Бройль визнаючи теорія гравітації
дитина, яка почалася в ніч на April18, 1955, день, що Ейнштейн помер.
"Einstein met 'n finale bespreking met de Broglie op die platform van
die Gare du nodus in Parys, waaruit hulle het gereis van Brussel om by te woon
die Fresnel eeufeesprogram Herdenking, het gesê"dat alle fisiese teorieë,
hul wiskundige uitdrukking uitmekaar, behoort te leen hulself tot 'n eenvoudige
Beskrywing ' wat selfs 'n kind kan verstaan hulle.' " Hier sien ons dat de
Broglie is erkenning van 'n teorie van gravitation deur 'n kind, wat begin op
die nag van April18, 1955, die dag wat Einstein gesterf het.
"Einstein mit einer
Abschlussdiskussion mit de Broglie auf der Plattform des Knotens Gare du in
Paris, wo sie von Brüssel nach Fresnel Hundertjahrfeier besuchen gereist war,
sagte" solle alle physikalische Theorien, ihre mathematischen Ausdruck
auseinander, eignen sich für eine einfache Beschreibung "das könnte sogar
ein Kind sie verstehen." " Hier sehen wir, dass de Broglie ist
eine Theorie der Gravitation von einem Kind anerkennen, die begann in der Nacht
vom April18, 1955, den Tag, die Einstein starb.
"爱因斯坦最后讨论与德布罗意在平台上的 Gare du 节点在巴黎,从那里他们专程从布鲁塞尔参加菲涅耳的百年校庆,说",所有的物理理论,其数学表达式分开,应该借自己给一个简单的描述
',即使小孩也能了解他们。'"在这里我们看到德布罗意承认的孩子,在晚上的 April18,1955 年,爱因斯坦去世的那一天开始的万有引力理论。
"愛因斯坦最後討論與德布羅意在平臺上的 Gare du 節點在巴黎,從那裡他們專程從布魯塞爾參加菲涅耳的百年校慶,說",所有的物理理論,其數學運算式分開,應該借自己給一個簡單的描述 ',即使小孩也能瞭解他們。'"在這裡我們看到德布羅意承認的孩子,在晚上的 April18,1955 年,愛因斯坦去世的那一天開始的萬有引力理論。
« Einstein, avoir une discussion
finale avec de Broglie sur la plate-forme de la Gare du nœud à Paris, d'où ils
avaient voyagé de Bruxelles pour assister à la célébration du centenaire de
Fresnel, dit « que toutes les théories physiques, leur expression
mathématique en dehors, devaient se prêtent à une description simple « que
même un enfant pourrait comprendre eux. » » Ici, nous voyons que de Broglie est
reconnaissant une théorie de la gravitation par un enfant, qui a commencé dans
la nuit du April18, 1955, le jour où Einstein est mort.
"パリ ガル デュ ノードのプラットフォームでド ・ ブロイに最終的な議論を持つアインシュタイン、フレネルの 100 周年記念式典出席のためブリュッセルから訪れていた whence」、すべての物理的な理論、離れて、数学的な表現べきだと言った 'ことは子供でも分かる' 簡単な説明に自分自身を貸す」ここで我々 はド ・ ブロイが April18、1955 年、アインシュタインが死亡した日の夜に始まった子によって引力の理論を認めては参照してください。
"Einstein med en avslutande diskussion med de Broglie på plattformen
till Gare du noden i Paris, varifrån de hade rest från Bryssel att närvara den
Fresnel centenary berömmen, sa"att alla fysikaliska teorier, deras
matematiska uttryck apart, borde lämpar sig för en enkel beskrivning ' att även
ett barn kunde förstå dem.' " Här ser vi att de Broglie erkänner en teori
om gravitation av ett barn, som började på natten April18, 1955, den dag som
Einstein dog.
«Эйнштейн, имея окончательное
обсуждение с де Бройля на платформе узла дю Гар в Париже, откуда они приехали
из Брюсселя для участия в столетнее празднование Френеля, сказал, «что все
физические теории, их математическое выражение друг от друга, должны одалживают
к простому описанию «что даже ребенок может понять их.»» Здесь мы видим, что де Бройля
признает теорию гравитации с ребенком, который начался на ночь April18, 1955,
день, что Эйнштейн умер.
"Einstein, Paris'te de Broglie
ile Gare du düðümün son bir tartışma platformuna sahip nereden Fresnel yüzüncü
yıl kutlama katılmak üzere Brüksel seyahat vardı dedi"tüm fiziksel
teorileri, onların matematiksel ifade dışında basit bir açıklama için ' Bu bir
çocuğun bile onları anlamak.' kendilerini ödünç gerektiğini" Burada de Broglie bir teori
kütleçekim gecesi April18, 1955, Einstein öldüğü gün başladı bir çocuk
tarafından kabul görmek.
"اينشتاين بعد مناقشة نهائية
مع دي بروجلى على المنصة لعقدة دو غار في باريس، أين كانوا قد سافروا من البعض، ينبغي أن تصلح لوصف بسيط
'التي حتى طفل يمكن أن يفهم منها.' " وهنا نرى أن دي بروجلى هو
الاعتراف بنظرية الجاذبية بطفل، والذي بدأ في ليلة April18، 1955، في اليوم الذي توفي اينشتاين.بروكسل
لحضور الاحتفال المئوي فريسنل، وقال" أن جميع النظريات الفيزيائية، التعبير
الرياضي عن بعضها
"Einstein tendo uma discussão final com de Broglie na plataforma da
Gare du nó em Paris, onde eles tinham viajado de Bruxelas para participar da
celebração de centenário de Fresnel, disse"que todas as teorias físicas,
sua expressão matemática separado, devem se prestam a uma simples descrição '
que até uma criança pode compreendê-los.' " Aqui vemos que de Broglie está
reconhecendo uma teoria da gravitação por uma criança, que começou na noite de
April18, 1955, o dia em que Einstein morreu.
"Einstein setelah perbincangan akhir dengan de Broglie atas platform
Gare du nod di Paris, dari mana mereka telah mengembara dari Brussels untuk
menghadiri sambutan centenary Fresnel, berkata"bahawa teori-teori fizikal
semua, ungkapan matematik mereka selain, sepatutnya untuk meminjamkan diri pada
penerangan mudah ' bahawa walaupun seseorang kanak-kanak dapat memahami
mereka.' " Di sini kita melihat bahawa de Broglie mengakui satu teori
graviti oleh kanak-kanak, yang bermula pada malam April18, 1955, hari bahawa
Einstein meninggal dunia.
«Ейнштейн з остаточного обговорення з
де Бройль на платформі Gare du вузла в Парижі, звідки вони побували з Брюсселя
відвідувати Френеля святкування сторіччя, сказав: «що всі фізичні теорії, їх
математичний вираз плечей, повинен, прив'язуються до простим описом ' що навіть
дитина може розуміти їх.'» Тут ми бачимо, що де Бройль визнаючи теорія гравітації
дитина, яка почалася в ніч на April18, 1955, день, що Ейнштейн помер.
"Einstein met 'n finale bespreking met de Broglie op die platform van
die Gare du nodus in Parys, waaruit hulle het gereis van Brussel om by te woon
die Fresnel eeufeesprogram Herdenking, het gesê"dat alle fisiese teorieë,
hul wiskundige uitdrukking uitmekaar, behoort te leen hulself tot 'n eenvoudige
Beskrywing ' wat selfs 'n kind kan verstaan hulle.' " Hier sien ons dat de
Broglie is erkenning van 'n teorie van gravitation deur 'n kind, wat begin op
die nag van April18, 1955, die dag wat Einstein gesterf het.
"Einstein mit einer
Abschlussdiskussion mit de Broglie auf der Plattform des Knotens Gare du in
Paris, wo sie von Brüssel nach Fresnel Hundertjahrfeier besuchen gereist war,
sagte" solle alle physikalische Theorien, ihre mathematischen Ausdruck
auseinander, eignen sich für eine einfache Beschreibung "das könnte sogar
ein Kind sie verstehen." " Hier sehen wir, dass de Broglie ist
eine Theorie der Gravitation von einem Kind anerkennen, die begann in der Nacht
vom April18, 1955, den Tag, die Einstein starb.
"爱因斯坦最后讨论与德布罗意在平台上的 Gare du 节点在巴黎,从那里他们专程从布鲁塞尔参加菲涅耳的百年校庆,说",所有的物理理论,其数学表达式分开,应该借自己给一个简单的描述
',即使小孩也能了解他们。'"在这里我们看到德布罗意承认的孩子,在晚上的 April18,1955 年,爱因斯坦去世的那一天开始的万有引力理论。
"愛因斯坦最後討論與德布羅意在平臺上的 Gare du 節點在巴黎,從那裡他們專程從布魯塞爾參加菲涅耳的百年校慶,說",所有的物理理論,其數學運算式分開,應該借自己給一個簡單的描述 ',即使小孩也能瞭解他們。'"在這裡我們看到德布羅意承認的孩子,在晚上的 April18,1955 年,愛因斯坦去世的那一天開始的萬有引力理論。
« Einstein, avoir une discussion
finale avec de Broglie sur la plate-forme de la Gare du nœud à Paris, d'où ils
avaient voyagé de Bruxelles pour assister à la célébration du centenaire de
Fresnel, dit « que toutes les théories physiques, leur expression
mathématique en dehors, devaient se prêtent à une description simple « que
même un enfant pourrait comprendre eux. » » Ici, nous voyons que de Broglie est
reconnaissant une théorie de la gravitation par un enfant, qui a commencé dans
la nuit du April18, 1955, le jour où Einstein est mort.
"パリ ガル デュ ノードのプラットフォームでド ・ ブロイに最終的な議論を持つアインシュタイン、フレネルの 100 周年記念式典出席のためブリュッセルから訪れていた whence」、すべての物理的な理論、離れて、数学的な表現べきだと言った 'ことは子供でも分かる' 簡単な説明に自分自身を貸す」ここで我々 はド ・ ブロイが April18、1955 年、アインシュタインが死亡した日の夜に始まった子によって引力の理論を認めては参照してください。
"Einstein med en avslutande diskussion med de Broglie på plattformen
till Gare du noden i Paris, varifrån de hade rest från Bryssel att närvara den
Fresnel centenary berömmen, sa"att alla fysikaliska teorier, deras
matematiska uttryck apart, borde lämpar sig för en enkel beskrivning ' att även
ett barn kunde förstå dem.' " Här ser vi att de Broglie erkänner en teori
om gravitation av ett barn, som började på natten April18, 1955, den dag som
Einstein dog.
«Эйнштейн, имея окончательное
обсуждение с де Бройля на платформе узла дю Гар в Париже, откуда они приехали
из Брюсселя для участия в столетнее празднование Френеля, сказал, «что все
физические теории, их математическое выражение друг от друга, должны одалживают
к простому описанию «что даже ребенок может понять их.»» Здесь мы видим, что де Бройля
признает теорию гравитации с ребенком, который начался на ночь April18, 1955,
день, что Эйнштейн умер.
"Einstein, Paris'te de Broglie
ile Gare du düðümün son bir tartışma platformuna sahip nereden Fresnel yüzüncü
yıl kutlama katılmak üzere Brüksel seyahat vardı dedi"tüm fiziksel
teorileri, onların matematiksel ifade dışında basit bir açıklama için ' Bu bir
çocuğun bile onları anlamak.' kendilerini ödünç gerektiğini" Burada de Broglie bir teori
kütleçekim gecesi April18, 1955, Einstein öldüğü gün başladı bir çocuk
tarafından kabul görmek.
"اينشتاين بعد مناقشة نهائية
مع دي بروجلى على المنصة لعقدة دو غار في باريس، أين كانوا قد سافروا من البعض، ينبغي أن تصلح لوصف بسيط
'التي حتى طفل يمكن أن يفهم منها.' " وهنا نرى أن دي بروجلى هو
الاعتراف بنظرية الجاذبية بطفل، والذي بدأ في ليلة April18، 1955، في اليوم الذي توفي اينشتاين.بروكسل
لحضور الاحتفال المئوي فريسنل، وقال" أن جميع النظريات الفيزيائية، التعبير
الرياضي عن بعضها
"Einstein tendo uma discussão final com de Broglie na plataforma da
Gare du nó em Paris, onde eles tinham viajado de Bruxelas para participar da
celebração de centenário de Fresnel, disse"que todas as teorias físicas,
sua expressão matemática separado, devem se prestam a uma simples descrição '
que até uma criança pode compreendê-los.' " Aqui vemos que de Broglie está
reconhecendo uma teoria da gravitação por uma criança, que começou na noite de
April18, 1955, o dia em que Einstein morreu.
"Einstein setelah perbincangan akhir dengan de Broglie atas platform
Gare du nod di Paris, dari mana mereka telah mengembara dari Brussels untuk
menghadiri sambutan centenary Fresnel, berkata"bahawa teori-teori fizikal
semua, ungkapan matematik mereka selain, sepatutnya untuk meminjamkan diri pada
penerangan mudah ' bahawa walaupun seseorang kanak-kanak dapat memahami
mereka.' " Di sini kita melihat bahawa de Broglie mengakui satu teori
graviti oleh kanak-kanak, yang bermula pada malam April18, 1955, hari bahawa
Einstein meninggal dunia.
Published on Oct 2, 2012
In a rare interview, Ross Perot sat down this past Thursday
with USA Today Reporter Richard Wolf in his office in Plano, Texas. C-SPAN
recorded the interview.
During the hour-long discussion, Mr. Perot talks
about the current state of our economy and country, and how the issues he ran
on in 1992 and 1996 are still relevant today -- including addressing the debt
and deficit spending, third party presidential runs, and the U.S. education
Joining Mr. Perot in the interview is David
Walker. The former US Comptroller General has been working with Mr. Perot on
initiatives to educate voters about economic issues in this upcoming election.
Oct 1, 2012 IS 2 years 8 months into
the CENSOR by Perot of the website of & ‘Pure Gravitational Thinking in
Hierarchical Cosmology’ which is a Vision which children can see
&understand DEEPLY, Perot appears
for his Hollywood appearance as a ‘man of the world/justice on C_Span’ in
PlanoTexas & amile or less from “The Austin Avenue Bar & Grill” where
Buegler, Tammy Paul, Douglas & Mike Sutter congregate regularly. Question: ‘Has Perot paid these people &
Steve Sekula for all the money they UNQUESTIONABLY would have had at THIS TIME
June 23,2016 if they had been HONEST in February 2010, six years, four months
ago??????ask & !!!!!!
![]() |
'Brian Greene..."The Elegant Universe" ala David Gross 2004 at |
This video is taken April 25, 2016,eight months ago at Vice President Joe Biden's residence. It is their at the National Observatory that Jimmy Carter in late 1977 ~ 5 months after I have written him and he has replied, that Carter betrays myself and the children of the world. This vide on April27,2016 was 18.45min in length and concluded with the pic seen here of Geoffrey Chew and "Future Revelations in Theoretical Physics" David Gross at Berkeley in Oct 2007. The link is provided below. In April 2006 the "NationalInstitute forTheoretical Physics"was onPennsulvania Ave.within sight of the Obama White House.
“Einstein having a final discussion with de Broglie on the platform of the Gare du Node in Paris, whence they had traveled from Brussels to attend the Fresnel centenary celebration, said “that all physical theories, their mathematical expression apart, ought to lend themselves to a simple description ‘that even a child could understand them.’” Here we see that de Broglie is acknowledging a theory of gravitation by a child, which began on the night of April18, 1955, the day that Einstein died.

Mike Buegler and H. Ross Perot received on February 13, 2010 ''Pure Gravitational Thinking in Hierarchical Cosmology'' and since that time have NOT assisted in the developement of my Blogs or Website. Quite to the contrary my property in Plano Texas has been confiscated. The office of H. Ross Perot is in Plano Texas.
Ross Perot “Larry King Live” On February 20, 1992, Perot appeared on CNN's Larry King Live and announced his intention to run as an independent if his supporters could get his name on the ballot in all fifty states. With such declared policies as balancing the federal budget, a firm pro-choice stance on abortion, opposition to gun control, expansion of the War on Drugs, ending outsourcing of jobs, belief in protectionism on trade, advocating the Environmental Protection Agency and enacting electronic direct democracy via "electronic town halls," he became a potential candidate and soon polled roughly even with the two major party candidates. On May 25, 1992 he was featured on the cover of Time with the title "Waiting for Perot," an allusion to Samuel Beckett's play Waiting for Godot.
Several months before the Democratic and Republican conventions, Perot filled the vacuum of election news, as his supporters began petition drives to get him on the ballot in all fifty states. This sense of momentum was reinforced when Perot employed two savvy campaign managers in Democrat Hamilton Jordan and Republican Ed Rollins. In July, while Perot was pondering whether to run for office, his supporters established a campaign organization United We Stand America. Perot was late in making formal policy proposals, but most of what he did call for were intended to reduce the deficit. He wanted a gasoline tax increase and some cutbacks of Social Security.
By the summer Perot commanded a lead in the presidential race with thirty-nine percent of the vote.[25] By mid-July, the Washington Post reported that Perot's campaign managers were becoming increasingly disillusioned by his unwillingness to follow their advice[26] to be more specific on issues, and his need to be in full control of operations[26] with such tactics as forcing volunteers to sign loyalty oaths.[27] Perot's poll numbers began to slip to 25%, and his advisers warned that if he continued to ignore them, he would fall into single digits. Co-manager Hamilton Jordan threatened to quit, and on July 15, Ed Rollins resigned after Perot fired advertisement specialist Hal Riney, who worked with Rollins on the Reagan campaign. Rollins would later claim that a member of the campaign accused him of being a Bush plant with ties to the CIA.[28] Amidst the chaos, Perot's support fell to 20%.[29] The next day, Perot announced on Larry King Live that he would not seek the presidency. He explained that he did not want the House of Representatives to decide the election if the result caused the electoral college to be split. Perot eventually stated the reason was that he received threats that digitally altered photographs would be released by the Bush campaign to sabotage his daughter's wedding.[30] Regardless of the reasons for withdrawing, his reputation was badly damaged. Many of his supporters felt betrayed and public opinion polls would subsequently show a large negative view of Perot that was absent prior to his decision to end the campaign.[31]
In September, he qualified for all fifty state ballots. On October 1, he announced his intention to reenter the presidential race. He said that Republican operatives had wanted to reveal compromising photographs of his daughter, which would disrupt her wedding, and he wanted to spare her from embarrassment. He campaigned in 16 states and spent an estimated $12.3 million of his own money.[32] Perot employed the innovative strategy of purchasing half-hour blocks of time on major networks for infomercial-type campaign advertisements; this advertising garnered more viewership than many sitcoms, with one Friday night program in October attracting 10.5 million viewers. ROSS PEROT biography!
on Jan 26, 2016
Here's a short overview and summary of the bio of the great Ross
Perot! SUBSCRIBE for more american political history!
o Standard YouTube License
The story of Mike Buegler's man does not fit with the REALITY:
see 33 minutes on & "back in the 90's when there was no
internet"... FACT IS 'Perot/Buegler before Feb 13, 2010 prompted my
sister's best friend to offer to build & open my website & after Feb
ADVERTISE OR PAY for ONE of my BLOGS. Notice this 'BIOGRAPHY is Jan 26, 2016
FOUR months ago & 3 years after my eminent DEATH due to poisoning. Pick up
here on the claims towards the present TRUMP run for US PRESIDENCY.
Ross Perot, Mike Buegler for 6 years, 4 months and 10 days have strangled/suffocated the minds of children world-wide & Mike Sutter & Tammy Paul’s friend/ former lover, Douglas BOTH of whom asked me in February-April 2010 if “I” would run for the U.S. Presidency have stood back & watched Perot/Buegler execute their perverted form of ‘VIRTUE’ in the name of JUSTICE. '
Part 1- Benue of India at Lavra Monastery, Kiev, Ukraine, August 29, 2016
The following is NOT the physics of H. Ross Perot. By garnering respect for H. Ross Perot you are sponsoring deception and a megalomaniac whom has censored your own children and the life and spirit of Albert Einstein.
Observe here at ~ 4:15 minutes the Chinese translation of the introductory web page to 'The Childs Atomistic Hierarchy' which is translated to Chinese and has audio from ''Cosmos'' 1980 episode 10 ''The Birth of a child". DeYuan Cheng and Timothy V. Krier watched together this episode 10 in November 30, 1980 & Dec 6, 1980 in U.C. Santa Barbara. Months later the Hansma/Hartle censor of Krier's Phd. thesis occurred in Feb. 1981 and Cheng rushed for the papers on Hierarchical Cosmology & gravitation on fire over the kitchen sink, and thrust his entire hand into flames to save them. At that time 1981, De-Yuan Cheng's wife was a 1st grade school teacher in Shanghai China.
Film I-Japan-2017
This exhibits the 29 June 1972 acknowledgment from Louis de Broglie, R. Courier and H. J. Treders 1972 which was witheld from evidence for 25 years, 1972-2007 when it was placed on Picasa web. Theremarkable point is that De Broglie, Courier, Treders in 1972 have no difficulty recognizing an infinite hierarchy of galaxies with Gravitation as the only field present. Compare that to the American responce over 25 years and to and, today Dec. 30, 2016.
Part 1. Apollo 11-13- PGTHC-DESTINY Burn. 10.20.2015.
This video in it's entirity was uploaded to Picasa web 10 days before Charles Yeh with two masters degrees, agreed that 'Pure Gravitational Thinking in Hierarchical Cosmology is good for children beginning in kindergarten.'
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