This video is not spam, does not use deceptive practices or
scams. Rather it exposes ASSAULT and
BATTERY at the U.S. Library of Congress on April 8, 2008. The person assaulted, myself, had exceeded
‘Einstein’s Vision by in excess of six fold or more. That happy event occurred because “I” was a
remarkably competent child prodigy in the years birth- 1954. The proof of ‘who’ I was by April 8, 2008
went back to January 1970 and a letter from professor John Archibald Wheeler
and to The International Journal of General Relativity and Gravitation, April
A 50 minute video which I am not able to place on Face book has been divided into six videos. This is video 2. Here you see myself on January 31, 2018 in Krakow, Poland at the Biblioteka Politechniki University where I have been advised that I can leave my two computers and notebooks and take a break and NO ONE will touch my property. It is pointed out that there is a video camera there at the Bibliotechka. Eight years before on April 8, 2008 at the U.S. Library of Congress, there was a NEW $ multi-million dollar camera system installed after 9/11/2001 to protect against terrorists. (The F.B.I. defines "Terrorism" as 'The use of force or violence to accomplish a political goal.' Check with judge Jeanine Pirro at Fox news for that fact.) It is possible that today with Donald Trump president that I might well be able to leave my property at the U.S. Library of Congress untouched. If lady Hillary Clinton were president that thought would be a PATHETIC JOKE.
Video 3- April 8, 2008. Here we see the video from December 17, 2017 in Kiev, Ukraine where we challenged H. Ross Perot to take his Luciferian hands OFF 'P.G.T.H.C.' and the vision of the children of Ukraine and the world... as we also challenged Leonard Susskind. The consequence was that the following day or day after I was deported from Ukraine.
H.Ross Perot has made damn sure since December 2009 that I do NOT have a website and that I do NOT receive one dime $.10 for my vision and work.
Video 4- April 8, 2008. Here you will see the 1974 biography of Albert Einstein by "Consultant: John Archibald Wheeler, Princeton University." Albert Einstein is described as ' In ten years He went from a high school drop out to the author of the theory of relativity.' You will then see video of myself in 1950 at four years old. An accurate description of myself would be 'He went from birth March 1, 1946 to in nine years on the night of April 18, 1955, to be the author of the theory of the atomistic hierarchy with gravitation as the ONLY field globally present and EASILY capable of providing the solution to 'Einstein's Vision' and Far, far, far beyond with 'Pure Gravitational Thinking in Hierarchical Cosmology' as INHERENT and easily understood by all children world-wide of 7.4 billion inhabitants of earth many of whom now have 3g android/apple i phones.... Any questions the default parameter is:
Leonard Susskind at, , i і і,,, , H. Ross Perot University of Innovation,”,,,,,
Video 5- April 8, 2008. Here you will see that the father Gilbert Frances O'Boyle of Timothy V. O'Boyle is present at BOTH the 1st and 2nd hydrogen bomb blasts in 1950 IVY Mike and CastleRio-Bravo 1954. Unbeknownst to the father Gilbert Francis O'Boyle his son Timothy in one years since Castle Bravo Feb 28, 1954 on the night of April 18, 1955 would become 'Father of the Structure Law of Pure Gravitation underlying E=Mcc'
Video 6. Here notice that when you see the child prodigy in summer 1950 Timothy V. O'Boyle he has no thought, no intention of becoming 'the next Einstein' or in exceeding Einstein. His thoughts are a 'pure unadulterated passion to understand the substance and structure of the universe.'
He is delusional and there is no record except his own, that he was ever anybody.
There is NO RECORD that Susskind or Witten or ‘String theory’ was at the March 1979
Centennial Symposium.” or April 22, 1979 “Einstein Monument” Dedication, Wash.
(Lennabald has been known and self proclaims to ‘Pull the cork’ c.f.
film “True Grit” John Wayne~ 1967… But Susskind has ‘no grit’ whatsoever.
E Pluribus UnUm Physics February 6, 2018
E Pluribus UnUm Physics February 6, 2018
defining criteria for establishing the REALITY of ‘Pure Gravitational Thinking
in Hierarchical Cosmology’ are as follows:
1.Does an infinite hierarchy of galaxies exist? Yes/No.
2. Does the universal Gravitational field extend EXACTLY as 1/R2?
3a. Does each and EVERY latent & radiative photon in the entire universe carry zero electric charge?
Can one photon of trillions and trillions of photons, be found that carries electric charge and hence is
accelerated in an electric field, e.g. C.E.R.N.?
3b. Is the total electric charge
of our entire MGA0* observable universe =0; Is there any one galaxy of billions of billions of galaxies, which does not have a total electric charge =0??
If any one of these criteria can be shown NOT to be a
REALITY, then the theory of Pure Gravitational Hierarchical Cosmology is WRONG,
infinitely wrong. On the other hand,
since it is far, far, far in excess of Einstein’s greatest expectation as to a
pure gravitational unified field structure, children can judge strongly for
themselves, the proposed REALITY of the
(“God is subtle but not malicious.” A. Einstein)
The DEFAULT JUDGEMENT setting IS Leonard Susskind at, , i і і,,, , H. Ross Perot University of Innovation,”,,,,,
Compared/Contrasted to,,,,,,,
V. Krier
All Rights Reserved, 2013-2017
21st Century R4 Productions,
V. Krier/De-yuan Cheng
The WORK of Timothy Victor Krier can be
accessed easily through the following links:
You Tube:
"The BEST of Cosmos" Nov 25, 2000-August 2004 SELF CENSOR by "Cosmos Studios 10.28.17
19 minutes: On Nov 25, 2000Cosmos Studios introduced "The BEST of Cosmos" on PBS. Where is it now Cosmos Studios and/or This video concludes with Leonard Susskind the moral advocate for virtue. Perhaps Lenny would like to explain what happened to "The BEST of Cosmos" Nov 25, 2000-August 2004.
You Tube:
"The BEST of Cosmos" Nov 25, 2000-August 2004 SELF CENSOR by "Cosmos Studios 10.28.17
19 minutes: On Nov 25, 2000Cosmos Studios introduced "The BEST of Cosmos" on PBS. Where is it now Cosmos Studios and/or This video concludes with Leonard Susskind the moral advocate for virtue. Perhaps Lenny would like to explain what happened to "The BEST of Cosmos" Nov 25, 2000-August 2004. Oct 21, 2017 Autobiography Here we will examine
‘Pure Gravitational Thinking in Hierarchical Cosmology’ via letters exhibited
at the ‘Einstein Monument’ Washington, D.C. dedicated April 22, 1979 by
professor John Archibald Wheeler. These letters include a 6 January 1970 letter
from professor John Archibald Wheeler acknowledging receipt of the paper “On
the Structure of The Field” 1969 which is a proposed gravitational field theory
underlying the structure of elementary particles, and we examine other letters,
e.g. a June 29, 1977 letter from The White House of U.S. president/physicist
Jimmy Carter.
Biography A.
Einstein, T. Krier O'Boyle, Leonardo Susskind- 9.13.2017
Sept. 13, 2017.
The axiomatic basis of 'P.G.T.H.C.' was formed in the years Dec 25, 1949-April
18, 1955. Here you see the years 1950-1955 with focus on 1950. The subject is
Gilbert Francis O'Boyle in 1950-1955. G. F. O'Boyle is the father of Timmy
O'Boyle who IS 'the Father of E=Mcc.' G.F. O'Boyle worked on the 1st Hydrogen
bomb blast at Ivy Mike and on the 2nd detonation at Castle Bravo. You also see
film here of 'the Death of Albert Einstein' NBC news John Cameron Swayze on
April 18, 1955. It was within an hour or so after that that Timmy O'Boyle
conceived of the atomistic hierarchy with the EMINANTLY CLEAR VISUAL
REALIZATION the GRAVITATION was the ONLY field globally present throughout the
atomistic hierarchy. This concludes with the priestly summary by Leonard
Susskind on the select FEW who are at the frontier of human thought. Was
Gilbert Francis O'Boyle at Ivy Mike AND Castle Bravo? Was Gilbert Francis
O'Boyle the father of "The Father of E=Mcc'?? Ask the American Dandy
Leonard Susskind who claimed on May 31, 2014 Cornel University 'Messenger
Lecture' that he was the greatest living theoretical physicist.
Google+ Home-Profile-Videos
Google+ Home-Profile-Videos
INSANE MIND SET CONTRA to Pure Gravitational Thinking in Hierarchical Cosmology
and Structure Laws I & II of Hierarchical Cosmology Seth MacFarlane tells Bill Maher about the
history of the universe. Published on Mar 15, 2014 (SIX MONTHS AFTER DEATH of
Timothy Victor Krier/O’Boyle ON SEPT. 15, 2013) Atlantic City, N.J. Board Walk. May 17, 2014 Cosmos Studios Premier Dec 2013 May 17, 2014 Cosmos Studios Premier Dec 2013
The Nature of the U.S.
Presidential Gage Order Dec, 2017
George H. Bush Barack Obama Barack Obama Bill Clinton ‘Jimmy Carter’
George H. Bush Barack Obama Barack Obama Bill Clinton ‘Jimmy Carter’
This photograph is requested by
Barack Obama IMMEDIATELY after the 2008 election and while G.W. Bush is STILL
IN THE WHITE HOUSE and OVAL OFFICE. It exhibits that Barack Obama when he takes
office in two months intends to be in COMPLETE HARMONY with the programs of ALL
former U.S. Presidents beginning with Ronald Reagan/G.H. Bush 1st
Drug Czar and ‘War on Drugs.’ It
exhibits the BURIAL of EVERYTHING and Timothy V. Krier/O’Boyle; the ‘SUBLIMATION’ in Boston
Jan-May 1986 and in laughing attorney John T.
Nolan As heard in links left. It
exhibits his codification of the THEFT by Jimmy Carter & Carl Sagan in 1980-trial
1985 and SUBLIMATION. It exhibits the
Humama hospital, August 5, 1986; It exhibits the BURIAL of the surgery film of
March 28, 1984 when ‘I’ awoke and exclaimed “There is a God!” And “The Universe IS a
MIRACLE!” The Presidential GAGE ORDERS
exhibits the orders of SATAN that bespeak the mouths and tongues of ALL of these U.S. Presidents who have
‘sacrificed their lives for humanity.
‘Phone calls at 2:30 AM -3:00Am in The morning…. CRIMINALS.’ Margot Einstein.
On Nov 25,
2000Cosmos Studios introduced "The BEST of Cosmos" on PBS. Where is it now Cosmos Studios and/or This video concludes with Leonard Susskind the moral
advocate for virtue. Perhaps Lenny would
like to explain what happened to "The BEST of Cosmos" Nov 25,
2000-August 2004. Video 2000. Best of Cosmos
2000.'Druyan on Atoms-Gravity-young Einstein.' This video 1st sent 2.17.09 TWO
years ago to, NO REPLIES. 2nd
delivery March 1, 2010 one year ago, which I tried to deliver by YouSendIt
Winzip, however, my Video transmissions were COMPLETELY CUT OFF until March 9,
2010. On Feb 13, 2010 'Pure Gravitational Thinking' and 'Valentines' were
delivered Internationally & the MASSIVE CENSOR began which continued until
March 9, 2010. None of president Obama- Fox news, CBSnews....etc Americans
replied or assisted. I documented the problem by pictures & tape recording
of Mike Sutter & placed pics on this picasa web- delivered unzipped audio
World Wide. On Feb 28, 2010 a surprise of some order arrived, with a MASSIVE
reply from foreign Press, Universities & some law enforcement--- AND
NOTHING FROM Obama-Oreilly-Schieffer, Hannity, vanSusteren... Foreign
journalists provided their telephone number in the event of emergency. I retain
the record. DOWNLOADED
Feb 2, 2012
7:17 PM
2.BofC,2000,Voyager-Carter-Grav,AomicStructure.mpg Good Citizens Cosmos R4 Hyperteserect: Sept 1, 2015.
Video included from You Tube "Tyson tierd of God". At 16:12 min you
seeTyson on "out of respect for the human intellect" & about an
"epillectic sizure." At 17:29min Tyson garnishes your respect that he
speaks & understands Einstein with "Implications of Einstein's General
Relativity" & at 19:19min about 'how the stars twinkle in the sky.'At
20:54min Moyers introduces Carl Sagan in 1980 with a clip of Sagan
"Cosmos" 1980 & the questioning of "God". At 21:50 min
Tyson is seen as "Neil de Grasse Tyson, Host, Cosmos, A Spacetime
Odyssey." Moyers at 22:59 min "Because God, Dark Matter, is what
holds this universe together." Neil de GrasseTyson must recognize that the
Sagan HYPERTESERECT which IS the structure & fiber of God makes 'Pure
Gravitational Thinking & Love in Hierarchical Cosmology an INFINITE
IMPOSSIBILITY. Ends with Peebles letter
1982 no identification of What is like Thomas Wolfe 7 March 1983.
Sep 1, 2015
and Clinton Cocaine Connection 1986-87. I retain in
my pocket the bottled prescription "4-19-86" "HEMINWAY
PHARMACY" tel 262-8899, which remained with my property & would have
been trashed/confiscated on Monday June 8, with my 'tossed' eviction. The
prescription is for "Phenobarital" to stop vomitting. The Pharmacy is
on the corner or within a block of 70 Westland Ave. I was to be trashed on Sept
13, 2013 & Neil de Grass Tyson & Ann Druyan were to deliver you, in
excess of 1 Billion, the film, The story now by the Republicans IS 'Sublimation
never happened.' Bend over world the Americana is about to bring you justice.
Dec 20, 2014
12:32 AM
Bush and
Clinton cocaine connection.wmv This video contains audio tape of Lake Venice Golf Course on July 4, 1989
where I am holding up my television set before Barry & Dave Knot and the
man in their golf cart whom has been identified to me as "Tim he's a
cop" Lorrie Meyer. This TV & tape recording I was supposed to leave
NOT LOCKED, basically at 162 Saint James Place on & before May 20, 2014.
You can hear here at 6 minutes Lori Meyer who then takes my picture with the
T.V which you find on the front bottom page with "V is for Victory against
the thought police" on the Human Rights July 4, 1776 Declaration of
Independence" page delivered the White House & US Press in March
2002--- NO REPLIES H. Ross PEROT ‘the MAN’ who reported on TV talk show 1992
that he was stalked by the CIA of G.H. Bush during Perot’s run for the US
presidency. Perot reported that the
C.I.A. stalker supposedly used an amygdaloidal annihilator directed at his home
when Perot unleased his Doberman pincher which chased the intruder and “bit him
in the ass!” In the Oct. 2009 interview
by Mike Buegler of Texas Instruments Plano Texas, Buegler was infatuated and
VISUALLY PLEASED with my TRUE story of what had occurred at 70 Westland Ave.
Boston in January thru May 1986. Buegler
at ALL times faced me as I walked near and away from him. Buegler was wired for audio and had a bug in
his ear to listen to Perot give him orders ‘LIVE’ on what to ask me. Recent history ~ two years ago reported that
if G.W. Bush traveled to Europe he would be arrested for War crimes by HIG
‘High Interrogation Group.’ Bush
cancelled his trip.
This video includes AtlantiCare Hospital on June 4, 2015 video. The video exhibits a strong healthy heart AFTER Dr. Nader Ghaly has appeared in my hospital room appearing 'windy and deeply concerned for my health.' He insists that I do NOT need further hospitalization and doctors anywhere in the world. At that time I take the video seen here. Following this a Dr. Jesso whom has a birth defect lower jaw, appears with her team hovering like vultures to get me to sign and stay in the hospital and to sign for further surgery. She asks who the next of Kin is in the event that complications arise. The name Jude Colosimo is NO GOOD, Mohammad Mersaidi is NO GOOD but Sam Kerdnat brings up a smile and is GOOD. I sign in confusion and then UPLOAD my video seen here to Picasa Web. That is followed by Dr Hovers appearance and a man in a white Drs. overall garment whom is handing me a two sheet medication prescription which includes "RAMPRILL" which I describe to him as "but that is dangerous." He smiles and nods "YES." I point out that he has NO IDENTIFICATION badge on his coat and ask him his name. "He replies with a large sh_t eating smile "I am doctor White." My impression was that 'He is doctor insane.' and then the question arises in my mind "But what about doctor Hoover who a minute before had introduced this screwball?"
If you are someone who has met me in the last 1, 1/2 year keep this in mind: I was to undergo on June 5, 2015 a second radio frequency burn which had been signed for and then a Pacemaker was to be inserted and I was NEVER to have left the hospital or care of the United States. You would have NO FILM- NO CONTROL. The HERO here IS DR. NADER GHALY. If H. Ross Perot had stalked and wathed out for my health and safty since meeting Mike Buegler in Oct 2009 HOW IS IT that Perot would LET INSANE MEDICAL PRACTICES BEFALL ME ON JUNE 4, 2015???
The following video concerns 'P.G.T.H.C.' and mature love. It truly involves sexual intercourse, complementary D.N.A. interactions and t estrogen/estrogen complementary interactions between male /female partners in a culture that induces eroticism in both male and female. This is arguably the most serious consequence of ''Pure Gravitational Thinking and Resonant Interaction in a dynamically interacting and resonant Hierarchical Universe of 1/RR gravitational Fields. A farther description will follow.
DO NOT let this scare you because it is technical. These are links to the text Quantum Electronics by Amnon Yariv. This IS the REAL HARMONY PHYSICS to which Feynman distinguishes at the conclusion of his book 1985 "Q.E.D.: the strange theory of light and matter" which in FACT has NOTHING to do with the Law of Structure of E=Mcc. 2a contents lattice vibrations Quantum Electronics cover Amnon Yariv Optical Resonances contents
Neil degrasse Tyson is seen in the above video. Does he or do you think that it is possible for 'Pure Gravitational Resonance Thinking to be a contribution to "The collective brain work of Neils species.' Should we just give up on the theory that children can understand?
Neil degrasse Tyson is seen in the above video. Does he or do you think that it is possible for 'Pure Gravitational Resonance Thinking to be a contribution to "The collective brain work of Neils species.' Should we just give up on the theory that children can understand? Neil de Grasse Tyson
on the afterlife. Very moving. Here see
at 4:40 minutes Tysons credo “Be ashamed to die until you have scored some
victory for humanity” which he wants on his tombstone, followed by Neil on the “Collective
brain work of my species” (his species of which he is a messianic
figure)… Larry King concludes to Tyson
“And you are an amazing man.” This has
2,735,026 views. My videos receive ~ 1
view, my own and after Susskind is viewed above at ~26 minutes….. who cares
except to say that Susskind, Tyson and messianic collaborators DAMNED
themselves from any involvement or comment in a film for children kindergarten
through 8th grade and their ‘loving parents’ world-wide. However, is
that NOT exactly what the multi-million audience of Larry King (my former
‘hero’) feeds on??? August 25, 2017. Neil de Grass Tyson has been promoted to "The world renounded Astro physicist." PARAMETRIC AMPLIFICATION Para-child on swing Page 2 Para-Child Doubly Resonant Parametric Ocillation Also
Sprach Zarathustra Video SHU Wheeler-Black Holes
FOLDER 2a WHEELER INSANITY/Quantum Electronics
Keep in mind here as you listen to the 2012 Perot, CSPAN interview. This took place preelection 2012 which is two years after Perot received 'Pure Gravitational Thinking in Hierarchical Cosmology on February 13, 2010. Perot in his office sucks through his teeth as if he had just had a steak with everything and the C SPAN reporters who he controls. Hence in 2012 Perot has had 'Pure Gravitational Thinking and love in Hierarchical Cosmology since February 13, 2010 and he Perot has been visciously stalking me on the Board Walk Atlantic City since June 2011. His boy Mike Buegler of Texas Instruments Security has INSISTED that he meet and talk with me at the October 2009 Halloween party of Tammy Paul in Plano Texas, blocks from Teas Instruments. During the Buegler interrogation Mike Suter is present and seated in a chair facing away from Buegler and I ~ 6 feet from Buegler and I. Buegler claims that Mike Suter is sleeping, which makes ZERO sense because Mike Suter's head is UP and erect at the shoulders. Mike Suter and I have become VRTY CLOSE FRIENDS, like brothers since I met him in eary December 2008. 12.17.2017 41:22 min brings in Perot-Susskind-UCSB Published Dec 16, 2017 USA time
This is the introductory video which should have been on my active website in early 2010 but was blocked due to the interference of Mike Buegler, Texas Instruments, H. Ross Perot, Plano, Texas. This contains "On the Structure of The Field" 1969-70 which IS the UNCONTESTABLE structure law underlying E=Mcc, atomic and hydrogen bombs and 'Pure Gravitational Thinking and Love in Hierarchical Cosmology. It is dedicated to Andrea Clune of Georgetown, Washington, D.C.. This day December 17, 2017 you find included at ~ 40 minutes, audio of C-Span news interview of H. Ross Perot in Plano Texas on Oct 1, 2016. Perot describes an informed American public and his concern for everyone’s cooperation in protecting and defending there American way of life. You will hear Perot in the context of defining parameters for the authentic truth which children and adults world-wide should be aware of but which Ross Perot COVETS for his own. Behold Perot in the context of Lenny Susskind and his stewardship of virtue and the future. Six years after the Perot October 1, 2010 interview my property in Plano Texas would be confiscated.
Four years previous to Perot in 2012 the year, one year before I was supposed to die, candate Barac Obama in 2008 is in Berlin before a croud of a million and describes himself as "A citizen of the United States and a citizen of the world" What does the 'grand dupa H. Ross Perot consider himself to be in 2008 and in 2012? By 2012 EASILY I should have had a Website.
February 22,2018 up date at 14 minutes see Susskind contra Einstein with additional video superposition: This examines Albert Einstein at age 16 who went from a high school drop out to in ten years theauthor of the theory of relativity. We will compare that to Timothy Victor O'Boyle who went from birth to April 18, 1955 and the child prodigy who authored Pure Gravitational Thinking in Hierarchical Cosmology.
Fedruary 23, 2018 This examines Albert Einstein at age 16 who went from a high school drop out to in ten years the author of the theory of relativity. We will compare that to Timothy Victor O'Boyle who went from birth to April 18, 1955 and the child prodigy who authored Pure Gravitational Thinking in Hierarchical Cosmology. Additions made at 10:22 minutes. Keep in perspective here that Susskind was Mr. Big at the National Institute for Theoretical Physics U.C.S.B. in 1980-81 while ''I' was a senior in physics there. I knew NOTHING about Susskind or if a had a theory. He may have nodded at me a couple of times, and I heard about 'parties at Lenny's for the elite members of the National Institute which I sat with during presentations- basically people ignored me. There were NO Presentations on 'String theory. Only in 2003 did I become aware that Susskind purported to be 'the original author of a viable string theory. 'Viable' according to a bunch of self-serving G.D. nuts with a non-Newton/Einstein/Maxwell theory of the structure of E=mcc. Then in 2003 it became CLEAR in the nationally broadcast Elegant Universe/pgs/ what Susskind had pulled off in 1980-81 some 20 years early. Lenabald Susskind is GUILTY of the CENSOR of 7 billion people and their children of the VISION inherent in Hierarchical Cosmology and Gravitation and the profoundly DEEP ethical and moral fountain of beauty which IS INHERENT.
March 1, 2018.
This examines Albert Einstein at age 16 who went from a high school drop out to in ten years the author of the theory of relativity. We will compare that to Timothy Victor O'Boyle who went from birth to April 18, 1955 and the child prodigy who authored Pure Gravitational Thinking in Hierarchical Cosmology. Additions made at 10:22 minutes. Keep in perspective here that Susskind was Mr. Big at the National Institute for Theoretical Physics U.C.S.B. in 1980-81 while ''I' was a senior in physics there. I knew NOTHING about Susskind or if a had a theory. He may have nodded at me a couple of times, and I heard about 'parties at Lenny's for the elite members of the National Institute which I sat with during presentations- basically people ignored me. There were NO Presentations on 'String theory. Only in 2003 did I become aware that Susskind purported to be 'the original author of a viable string theory. 'Viable' according to a bunch of self-serving G.D. nuts with a non-Newton/Einstein/Maxwell theory of the structure of E=mcc. Then in 2003 it became CLEAR in the nationally broadcast Elegant Universe/pgs/ what Susskind had pulled off in 1980-81 some 20 years early. Lenabald Susskind is GUILTY of the CENSOR of 7 billion people and their children of the VISION inherent in Hierarchical Cosmology and Gravitation and the profoundly DEEP ethical and moral fountain of beauty which IS INHERENT.
Pure Gravitational Thinking in Hierarchical Cosmology,
Consequences. One consequence, not just
for the author but is for yourself and yours, viz. 'You become profoundly
larger/bigger and in command of your own and others destinies in the infinitely
big, big, big resonantly harmonic universe of your brain.
Children can and will see that.
Would you like your children to be aware of the REALITY within them.
; the REAL and TRUE size and structure of the universe? Any doubts about that reality contact Lenny
Sussind at,,, The default parameter for 'no comment' is a
Four star Einsteinian **EVIL**. Your
high priests are OBLIGED to answer.
Here you see interrogatories by myself to Leonard Susskind inquiring about the quality of the proposed structure law to E=mcc carved in the sand in June-August 2017 in Kieve Ukraine. Is "On the Structure of The Field" 1969-1970 a document of Phd thesis caliber. The interesting feature of these interrogatories is that children can and should inquire the same of Susskind, Gross and even President Donald Trump should inquire about the caliber of "On the Structure of The Field" 1969-70. Shouls "On the Structure of The Field" 1970 and the paper "In Defense of a Physical Theory Known as the Dimensional Structure" 1976 BOTH delivered to President Jimmy Carter on May 24, 1977, be bound in hard cover and include a D.V.D on 'Pure Gravitational Thinking in Hierarchical Cosmology."?
March 25, 2018-part 2-4.5 min added-memoirs- 2.26.18?
Upload from Budapest, Hungary. Up date- de Broglie, Treders, Memoirs Child Prodigy & Here you see interrogatories by myself to Leonard Susskind inquiring about the quality of the proposed structure law to E=mcc carved in the sand in June-August 2017 in Kieve Ukraine. Is "On the Structure of The Field" 1969-1970 a document of Phd thesis caliber. The interesting feature of these interrogatories is that children can and should inquire the same of Susskind, Gross and even President Donald Trump should inquire about the caliber of "On the Structure of The Field" 1969-70. Shouls "On the Structure of The Field" 1970 and the paper "In Defense of a Physical Theory Known as the Dimensional Structure" 1976 BOTH delivered to President Jimmy Carter on May 24, 1977, be bound in hard cover and include a D.V.D on 'Pure Gravitational Thinking in Hierarchical Cosmology."?
The 2nd concluding video is of Leonard Susskind on May 31,
2014 receiving an acclamation befitting a modern Icon. Susskind with great intent sought that
position since 1980 at the National Institute of Theoretical Physics, U.C.
Santa Barbara. The 1st video is of
myself on Nov. 18, 2016 receiving a sudden promotion from 'worthless physicist
failure' to a 'messiah like figure in theoretical physics.' A look at the proven video tapped 30 year
history of Susskind's rise to Iconic figure, should make honest men angry,
sensitive men 'puke' and others reel back in disgust for the fools that
Susskind has made of them. Ask Susskind
at or to clarify or deny that.
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