Sunday, March 19, 2017

DEFAULT criteria for assessing the timeliness of the Child's Atomistic H...

 The Child's Atomistic Hierarchy

The defining criteria for establishing the REALITY of ‘Pure Gravitational Thinking in Hierarchical Cosmology’ are as follows: 

1.Does an infinite hierarchy of galaxies exist?  Yes/No. 


2. Does the universal Gravitational field extend EXACTLY as 1/R2?                            

3. Does each and EVERY latent & radiative photon in the entire universe carry zero electric charge? Can one photon of trillions and trillions of photons, be found that carries electric charge and hence is accelerated in an electric field, e.g. C.E.R.N.? 

If any one of these criteria can be shown NOT to be a REALITY, then the theory of Pure Gravitational Hierarchical Cosmology is WRONG, infinitely wrong.  On the other hand, since it is far, far, far in excess of Einstein’s greatest expectation as to a pure gravitational unified field structure, children can judge strongly for themselves, the proposed REALITYREALITY of the theory.                                                                                                           

  (“God is subtle but not malicious.” A. Einstein) 

 The DEFAULT JUDGEMENT setting IS , і і,  I, i, i (H. Ross PerotUniversity of Innovation,

 Compared/Contrasted to i i i, i i ,, i i  

Structure Laws I and II  Genetics in Hierarchical Cosmology.

Universal Structure Law I ‘A.P.G.U.F.S.’ is Universal for ALL Cultures and places in an Infinite Hierarchical Cosmology. It IS a solution of Einstein’s field equations of gravitation in a symmetric static pre-established state.  (This IS Newton’s “Pre-established Harmony”).  It contains OBVIOUSLY an infinite set of LINEAR COUPLED Partial Differential Equations-harnessed in equilibrium and ready to be plucked. 

The Alpha Lattice ‘Structure Law II’ is INHERENT to Structure Law I.  In the static symmetric pre-established state, it represents the distribution and geometry of every MGAX finite island universe for an infinite hierarchical universe of MGAX, x=0, +/- 1, 2, 3, 4, to +∞/-∞ as we travel ‘outwards’ (+x) and ‘inwards’ (-x) into the infinite hierarchical universe of matter and 1/R2 GRAVITATIONAL fields.  This infinite hierarchical cosmology RESOLVES ITSELF into ‘A PURE GRAVITATIONAL UNIFIED FIELD STRUCTURE.’  (That can be seen visually by children in kindergarten & easily by 3rd grade.) 
                       And By relation; comparison; and contrast of ‘tribes’ 

Assuming a cause’ or ‘God’ & ‘plucking’ the coupled harmonic differential equations of motion for P0 elementary particles MGAx=-1 a new REALITY view of the universe is exhibited in Structure law II ‘The Alpha Lattice’ seen below, which represents our entire MGA0*assemblage of plucked interacting elementary particles, which includes the elementary particles of our bodies and all peoples and tribes of peoples in a region on earth, e.g. the French  and Germans are Represented by the Alpha Lattices below. An example of the German Alpha Lattice now in Germany is seen here:  ‘Blue Danube waltz’ (This performance resulted from the coupled resonant interactions of 10’s of millions of individuals ∑ Px DNA genetically evolved individuals, a ‘tribe,’ gathered together in a common cause to preserve, Propagate and share their evolving culture.)                       

A 2nd example of the Alpha Lattice, at the same time 2013-2014 in America, is seen here:  Seth MacFarlane tells Bill Maher about the history of the universe as well as here :  the ‘History of America and here


Would Albert Einstein agree that the above pictures should be exhibited via internet on the Einstein tablet?  More exactly, is Structure Law I  'A Pure Gravitational Unified Field Structure' easily derivable from his most popular book "Relativity" 1917... 1931... 1991 (1995 The Great Minds Series) to 2016 in the section "Part III: Considerations on the Universe as a Whole."  Could John Archibald Wheeler/Wyler, a perpitrator of 'Hate Crimes' against the Einstein's, disagree with that claim of 'Einsteinian physics'?


March 24, 2017.March 24, 2017

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