Wednesday, July 13, 2016

PBS, April 26, 1999. Brian Greene "Elegant Universe."David Gergan is a highly respected American Intellect whomadvises U.S. President and perhaps a former presidential Speech writer. For 'the man 'Timothy V. Krier' Gergan in this 1999 PBS interview remained an American journalistic giant for some six more yoears and until Picasaweb opened and By 2010 when Greene has amassed multi-millions and advances "Infinite Earths in Parallel Universes"love affairs with mommy and Kaku-ian INSANITY & remain UNCHECKED byGergan & company "I" recommend far beyonda good 'kick in the arse.' The whole lot should be locked together with H. Ross Perot/Parasite of Virtue par excellance. They should be chained in a 'Pig Sty.'

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